Price of gold has increased by x100 since the early 70s
Platinum, palladium and silver also increased
Alternative alloys required
Alloys based on Co, Cr and Ni - most successful
All these metals corrode readily - termed base metals
Unlike gold and other noble metals that had been used previously
Dentists want alloys to match gold alloy types
Properties must at least match the equivalent gold alloy
Some alloys now perform better than gold alloys
Categorisation of base metal alloys - standards cover 2 applications:
Removable appliances
Two ISO standards (BE EN ISO 6871) - one for Co/Cr and one for Ni/Cr
Fixed appliances
Only one ISO standard (BS EN ISO 16744) - covers all alloys from Co/Cr to Ni/Cr
Categorisation of base metal alloys - alloys' metal concentrations not as fixed as for gold alloys:
Cost not as much of an issue now; doesn't matter quantities, whereas if precious metals are involved, you want to ensure that the value of the product (how much precious metal is in there) is worth it
Manufacturers produce a wide array of alloys to perform the same function
Alloy properties very dependent on minor element concentrations
Co/Cr alloys: removeable appliances
Main constituent is cobalt (Co) - at least 50% has to be cobalt
Chromium (Cr) added for corrosion resistance
Chromium oxide forms very quickly and bonds strongly to Cr
Passivation - v strongly bonded oxide layer on top surface of Cr
Gives good properties
Forms a solid solution with chromium
Forms large grains even when quenched
Means thin sections (eg clasps) may have few grains
Leads to low mechanical properties
Co/Cr alloys: Removable appliances
Molybdenum (Mo) added to make smaller grains
Improves yield strength; more grain boundaries
Carbon added in small quantities
Forms hard carbides at grain boundaries - improves strength
Creates more obstacles for dislocations
Too much carbide leads to brittle alloys
Leads to in-service failures
Can contain nickel - total compensation according to ISO standard Co + Cr + Ni > 85%
Ni/Cr alloys: removable appliances
Main constituent is nickel (Ni)
Chromium (Cr) added for corrosion resistance - similar action to the Co/Cr alloys
Molybdenum and Carbon added for same reason as Co/Cr alloys
Grains can be still large so beryllium added
Can contain cobalt - total composition according to ISO standard Ni + Cr + Co > 85%
Safety considerations:
Nickel is commonly a cause of allergic dermatitis
All alloys may contain nickel
Beware, even Co/Cr alloys may contain nickel!
A full medical history must be taken before prescribing a Ni containing device
Check the manufacturer's information for Ni concentration
Ni/Cr alloys contain beryllium (Be)
Added to refine grain structure
Highly toxic element
Long term exposure to Be dust can lead to chronic beryllium disease
More relevant to technicians - dust mostly found during device production
Base metal casting alloys for fixed prosthesis:
Only one ISO standard (BS EN ISO 16744)
Recognises that a wide range of alloys are possible
Easier for manufacturers, technicians and dentists to keep up with new legislation
Can be close to either Co/Cr or Ni/Cr
Base metal casting alloys for fixed prosthesis:
Composition is not limited other than
Beryllium, cadmium (added to get smaller grains but carcinogenic, so not ideal) and nickel are indicated to be hazardous
Beryllium and cadmium <0.04% max
For nickel >0.1% a warning is required
All of the above are due to the device being "fixed" and so a permanent device
So, there is a greater risk of exposure to the patient
Alloys for fixed restorations:
Type 1 - for low stress applications such as inlays
Type 2 - for moderate stress applications such as larger inlays, onlays and full crowns
Type 3 - for high stress applications including bridge pontics and implant superstructures
Type 4 - for very high stress applications including long span bridges and implant superstructures
Types indicated are equivalent to gold casting alloys
Mechanical properties:
Increases in proportional limit mean the device can withstand greater stress without deformation
Decrease in % elongation mean that the device is much harder to adjust without it breaking
Therefore casting would need to be really accurate with these materials - but difficult because the bigger the structure, the more likely a casting error will be made worse
Comparison of Co/Cr alloys with gold alloys = harder to get accurate casting with basement alloys than with gold alloys
Comparison of Co/Cr alloys with gold alloys = harder to get accurate casting with basement alloys than with gold alloys
Comparison of Co/Cr alloys with gold alloys = gold alloys softer, so easier to polish, but also easier to scratch
Crown and bridge alloys:
Accuracy and detail
Casting - gold alloys: HIGHER density, lower shrinkage - therefore give more accurate castings