Perdev W2

Cards (30)

  • Holistic Development - parts of something are interconnected, explained by reference to the whole
  • Holistic Development - child's development in all areas (Physically, Socially, Emotionally, Intellectually, Morally or Spiritually.
  • Physical Aspect - changes, growth, skill development in brain, muscle and senses, body
  • Cognitive Aspect - changes on how humans acquire, make sense of, use information
  • Spiritual Aspect - changes on how you relate yourself to others, not limited to religious figures (faith development), something far greater than self (transcendence)
  • Psychosocial Aspect - how person's personality develop, how children start to understand, social skills learned from infancy to adulthood.
  • Erik Erikson - he developed 8 stages of personality development, person experience psychosocial crisis that either have positive or negative
  • Sigmund Freud - Psychosexual stages
  • Holistic Development - successful completion results healthy personality, biology and environment
  • Personality - describes unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, behaviours
  • Infancy - 1 to 2 Basic Trust and Mistrust, faith in environment or suspicion and fear
  • Early Childhood - 2 to 4 Autonomy Vs. Shame and Doubt, self control and adequacy or shame and self doubt
  • Pre-School Age - 4 to 5 Initiative Vs. Guilt, self starter or guilt and inadequacy
  • School Age - 5 to 12 Industry Vs. Inferiority, how things work or inferiority
  • Adolescence - 13 to 19 Identity Vs. Role Confusion, unique and integrated or confused
  • Early Adulthood - 20 to 40 Intimacy Vs. Isolation, commitment or inability to form relationship
  • Adulthood - 40 to 65 Generativity Vs. Stagnation, concern for everyone or concern for self
  • Maturity - 65 to death Ego Integrity Vs. Despair, Integrity and fulfillment or Dissatisfication
  • Nature - our genetics, hereditary factor that impact personality
  • Biopsychology -  analyze brain amd neurotransmitters influence our behaviour
  • Francis Galton "Eugenics" - erroneous and immoral theory, racial improvement and planned breeding, CONTROLLING REPRODUCTION
  • Nurture - environmental factors that impact who we are, the way we are raised
  • Behavioural Psychology - theory suggesting environment shape human behaviour, focus understanding and modifying individuals
  • Little Albert Experiment - white rat + loud noise = cry/fear
  • Personality - unique pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviour
  • Thoughts - impression activated by stimulus that is evident from environment you are in, WAYS THAT WE MAKE SENSE OF SITUATION
  • Feelings - emotional experiences and physical sensations
  • Actions or Behaviour - things we do and don't
  • Cognitive Triangle - tool used by therapist to teach concept of changing patterns
  • Cognitive Empathy - you understand other person's perspective