Language and symbols

Cards (13)

  • Characteristics of mathematical language:
    1. Precise because it can be stated clearly.
    2. Concise because it can be stated briefly.
    3. It is powerful because it is capable of expressing complex ideas into simpler forms.
    4. it is non temporal, means it has no tenses, which makes it unique as compared to other languages.
    5. It also has vocabulary and parts of speech.
  • Parts of Speech for Mathemeatics
    1. Numbers
    2. Operation Symbols
    3. Relation Symbols
  • In the Parts of Speech for Mathematics this are the very first symbols that can be used to represent quantity. These nouns (objects) in the English language.
  • like +, a, v, can act as connectives in a mathematical sentence.
    Operation symbols
  • Relation symbols
    such as >, <, =, and ~are used for comparison and act as verbs of themathematical language.
  • such as (), [], and {} are symbols used to associate group of numbers and operators.
    Grouping symbols
  • are letters that represent quantities and act as pronouns.
  • The mathematical version of "noun" will be called an expression. Thus, an expression is a name given to a mathematical object of interest. Whereas in English we need to talk about people, places, and things, we'll see that mathematics has much different 'objectsof interest'.
  • The mathematical version of a 'sentence' will also be called a sentence. A mathematical sentence, just as an English sentence, must statea complete thought. The table below summarizes the analogy.
    • Equals(=), Congruent, and Similar (~)
    • Is less than (<), Is greater than (>), Is less than or equal to, approx. equal to and not rqul to.
  • This is the sets having elements found in the universal set that has not found in any of this like subset
    Union Set
  • What is seven more than the total of number and 5?
  • The Father of problem solving process
    George Polya