Cloning and biotechnology

Cards (55)

  • Clones - genetically identical organisms or cells
    (made by asexual reproduction)
  • Natural cloning of plants
    > involves vegetative propagation where vegetative parts of the plant can reproduce.
    • This includes: runners, rhizomes , suckers, bulbs, corms and leaves
    > Used in:
    • horticulture and agriculture to increase number of plants.
    • medicine - producing chemicals/hormones for treatments (e.g. insulin)
  • Vegetative propagation
    > plants grow horizontal stems that can form roots
    • runners if they grow on the surface
    • rhizomes if they are underground
    > suckers are new stems that grow from the roots of plants
    > in all, the horizontal branch may die leaving the new stem as a separate individual
    > Bulbs (onions) have an underground stem which grow leaf bases and apical buds which will grow into a new plants
    > Corms (croci) remain in the ground and produce buds which produce new plants
    > some plants grow clones on leaf margins which grow immature plants that drop off and take root
  • Evaluation of natural cloning
    • advantageous traits can be carried to next generation
    • relatively rapid so population can increase rapidly and take advantage of environmental conditions
    • reproduction can be carried out with one parent
    • offspring may become overcrowded
    • no genetic diversity
    • population has little variation
    • selection not possible
    • whole population is susceptible to less advantageous environmental changes
  • Natural cloning in animals
    > clone when identical twins are formed
    zygote divides and daughter cells split to become two separate cells which develop into two individuals
  • Simple cloning technique - cuttings in vegetative propagation
    > stem is cut at the nodes
    > cut end of the stem is placed in moist soil
    • dipping cut stem in rooting hormone stimulates root growth
    • also use cuttings from roots and leaves
    > helps produce large numbers of plants rapidly
  • > Tissue culture - growing new tissues, organs or plants from certain tissues cut from a sample plant
    > Micropropagation - growing large numbers of new plants from meristem tissue taken from a sample plant
  • Tissue culture technique: micropropagation
    1> explants taken from suitable plant material and sterilised with alcohol or bleach
    2> Explants are placed on a sterile growth medium (agar gel) containing
    • nutrients: glucose, amino acids and phosphates
    • growth hormones: cytokinins and auxins
    3> cells of explant divide by mitosis forming a callus
    4> callus is divided producing a larger number of small clumps of undifferentiated cells
    5> clumps stimulated to grow and differentiate into new plant tissues by moving to different growth media
    6> plantlets form and moved to greenhouse
  • Why is meristem usually used as an explant in micropropagation?
    they are always free from virus infection
  • Why are the explants sterilised with bleach or alcohol?

    kills bacteria and fungi which would impact growth of plant
  • What is a Callus?
    a mass of undifferentiated, totipotent cells
  • Advantages of artificial cloning in plants
    • rapid method of producing new plants compared to growing from seed
    • can be carried out using asexual reproduction
    • offspring will inherent same desirable characteristics (high yield, resistance to disease, phenotype)
    • using meristem as an explant for tissue culture ensures new plants are free from viruses
  • Disadvantages of artificial cloning in plants
    • tissue culture is labour intensive and requires certain skills
    • expensive equipment and facilities to perform
    • culture can fail due to microbial contamination
    • cloned offspring/ monoculture are genetically identical and susceptible to same diseases or pests
    • no genetic variation (unless introduced by a mutation in DNA)
  • Artificial cloning in animals uses totipotent cells which can divide and differentiate into any types of cells.
    Main techniques:
    • embryo twinning
    • somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
  • Artificial cloning in animals: embryo splitting
    precise genotype and phenotype depends on which sperm and egg used so wont be known until offsprings are produced
    1> gametes are collected from two parents with desirable characteristics
    2> a zygote is created via in vitro fertilisation and allowed to divide by mitosis forming groups of cells
    3> groups are separated and continue division
    4> each mass of cells are placed in uterus of surrogate mothers producing genetically identical offspring
  • Artificial cloning in animals: Somatic cell nuclear transfer
    can clone an adult and phenotype is known before cloning
    1> egg cell is obtained from one animal and nucleus is removed via enucleation
    2> somatic cell from the adult to be cloned is isolated
    3> complete somatic cell or its nucleus is fused with empty egg cell via an electric shock which triggers it to start developing as it would after fertilisation
    4> cell undergoes mitosis to produce ball of cells
    5> young embryo is placed into the uterus of a surrogate mother and produces offspring genetically identical to nucleus donor
  • Arguments for artificial cloning in animals
    • can produce herd of animals with a high yield or unusual characteristics that could be lost through normal sexual reproduction
    • individuals from endangered species can be cloned to increase numbers
    • produces tissues and organs genetically identical to the donor which wont be rejected
    • cloned tissues can be tested with medicinal drugs avoiding use of animals or people
    • using genetically identical tissues for scientific research allows effects of genes/ hormones to be assessed with no interference from different genotypes
  • Arguments against artificial cloning in animals
    • lack of genetic variation may expose herd to diseases/pests
    • animals may be produced with little regard for their welfare with undesirable characteristics: shorter lifespan and be less healthy
    • success rate of adult cell cloning is poor and is expensive
    • ethical/ religious objections: creating an embryo with potential of life to then destroy it
    • cloning endangered species does not increase their genetic diversity
  • Why microorganisms are used in biotech
    • relatively cheap and easy to grow
    • production process takes place at lower temperatures and normal atmospheric pressures saving fuel costs and is safer
    • production not dependent on climate so takes place anywhere
    • fed by-products from food industries (waste water, starch) BUT these need to be pre-treated, adding to cost
    • have a short life cycle and reproduce quickly so a large population can grow rapidly, increasing efficiency
    • can be genetically modified easily
    • fewer ethical considerations
    • product is purer/ easier to isolate, reducing downstream costs
  • Yoghurt production
    > milk undergoes fermentation:
    > bacteria convert lactose to lactic acid
    • the acidity denatures lactose causing it to coagulate
    > the bacteria partially digest the milk making it easier to digest once consumed
    > other bacteria may be added as probiotics improving human health by improving digestion of lactose and stimulating the immune system
  • Cheese making
    > milk is pre-treated with bacteria converting lactose into lactic acid
    > once acidified, milk is mixed with Rennet containing rennin
    > rennin coagulates the milk protein, casein, in presence of Ca2+
    • kappa-casin is broken down making casein insoluble
    • this is precipitated by action of Ca2+ , binding the molecules together
    >Resulting compound is curd and is separated from liquid by cutting, stirring and heating
    >bacteria continue to grow producing more lactic acid and curd is pressed into moulds
    >flavour is determined by maturing process and inoculation with fungi
  • Coagulate -clot or change to solid state
  • Bread making
    1> mixing: ingredients are mixed by kneading producing dough
    2> fermenting: dough left in warm place while yeast respires aerobically producing co2 bubbles causing dough to rise
    3> cooking: risen dough is baked and alcohol evaporates
  • Brewing
    • grapes have yeast on their skin and contain fructose and glucose
    • when crushed, yeast uses the sugars in aerobic respiration producing co2 and alcohol
    Beer: malting
    • as barely grains germinate, stored starch is converted into maltose
    • maltose is respired by the yeast
    • anaerobic respiration produces co2 and alcohol
  • Mycoproteins/Single cell protein (SCP)
    > microorganisms can be used to manufacture protein directly as food
    • e.g: QUORN
    > Fungal/ bacterial sources can produce proteins with similar amino acid profile to animal and plant protein
  • Advantages of using SCPs for human consumption
    • more efficient production than animal and plant protein
    • biomass produced has high protein content
    • no animal welfare issues
    • microorganisms = good source of protein
    • contains no animal fat or cholesterol
    • can easily be GM to adjust amino acid content
    • SCP can be combined with removal of waste products
    • not much land is required
    • production is independent of climate requirements
  • Disadvantages of using SCPs for human consumption
    • fungal protein grown on waste is not appealing to people
    • protein needs to be purified to ensure it is uncontaminated
    • need to be isolated from material in fermenters which they grow
    • amino acid profile may be different from traditional animal protein
    • risk of infection - conditions needed to grow microorganisms ideal for pathogenic organisms
    • protein does not have same taste/texture as traditional protein sources
  • Controlled conditions of fermenters in drug production
    • temperature: enzymes can denature when too hot and growth will be limited when too cold
    • pH: enzyme activity and growth are affected by pH extremities
    • o2 availability: microorganisms respire aerobically
    • nutrient availability (carbon, nitrogen, minerals, vitamins) : required for microorganisms to grow and synthesise products
    • conc. of product: if product accumulates, synthesis decreases
    • asepsis
  • Batch fermentation - large quantities of a product is produced
    • secondary metabolites produced when cells are under stress due to high population density or limited nutrient availability
    • culture left with limited nutrients and fermented for limited time
    • product can then be extracted
  • Continuous culture- growth of microorganisms in a nutrient broth at a specific rate
    • primary metabolites are synthesised from microorganisms whilst growing
    • these are continuously extracted from fermenting broth and population density is maintained
    • broth is topped up with nutrients to keep cells fermenting
  • Evaluation of batch culture
    • easier to manage and operate
    • short duration
    • less chance of contamination as no nutrients are added
    • more expensive and less productive than continuous culture
    • bioreactors need to be consistently sterilised which is time consuming
    • culture has a long lag phase so little yield is produced
  • Evaluation of continuous culture
    • cheaper and more productive than batch culture
    • produces high yields through cell recycle and immobilisation
    • highly likely to be contaminated due to long cultivation period and long-term changes in culture
    • more difficult to manage
  • Asepsis - maintenance of sterile conditions in bioreactors

    Nutrient medium may support growth of unwanted microorganisms reducing population as they can:
    • compete with culture for nutrients and space
    • reduce yield of metabolites and spoil them
    • produce toxic chemicals
    • destroy cultured microorganisms
  • Penicillin production
    • fungi have been selectively bred to be more productive than early strains
    • penicillin is a secondary metabolite and is produced once population reaches a certain size so is made by batch culture
    1> fermenter run for a week and culture is filtered to remove cells
    2> antibiotic is precipitated as crystals by addition of K+
    3> this is mixed with inert substances and prepared for administration in desired form
  • production of insulin
    • synthetic human insulin is produced from the genetically modified bacteria E.coli
    • gene for human insulin was combined with a plasmid to act as a vector so it could be inserted into the bacterium
    • result enabled production of large quantities of human insulin at low costs so is made by continuous culture
  • Bioremediation
    > use of genetically modified/natural microorganisms to clean the soils and underground water on polluted sites
    • convert toxic pollutants (crude oil, pesticides)-> less harmful substances
    • e.g: natural - algae can process sewage water
    > it stimulates growth of microbes that use contaminants as a food source
    • requires suitable : o2,(if aerobic bacteria) water, pH and temperature
  • Advantages of bioremediation
    • uses natural systems
    • less labour/equipment is needed
    • treatment in situ
    • few waste products
    • less risk of exposure to clean-up personnel
    BUT cannot treat heavy metals (lead)
  • In the laboratory, microorganisms are grown in either medium - agar or broth
    growing microorganisms on agar plates involves 3 steps:
    • sterilisation
    • inoculation
    • incubation
  • Aseptic procedure to reduce contamination
    > wash hands and disinfect working area
    > have a bunsen burner operating causing air to rise preventing air-borne microorganisms settling and create area of sterile air
    > open vessel and pass bottle over flame to prevent bacteria in air entering bottle and flame as its closed
    > lift lid slightly off petri dish to introduce desired organism
    > glassware and metal equipment should be passed through flame before/after contact with microorganism
  • Aseptic techniques - Sterilisation
    • nutrient agar medium sterilised in autoclave with water under pressure at 121.c
    • when cooled its poured into sterile petri dishes and left to set with lid down