Health is a relative state in which one is able to function well physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually to express their unique potentialities within their environment
A health model is a conceptual framework or way of thinking about health, including models like the Biomedical Model of Health, the Social Model of Health, and the Mandala of Health
The Biomedical Model of Health is a Western medical model focusing on the physical body's response to disease, criticized for being too reductionist and not considering psychological and social factors
The Social Model of Health focuses on policies, education, and health promotion, going beyond lifestyles and behaviors to address social change for health prerequisites
Advantages of the Biomedical Model include advances in technology, effective treatment of common problems, extended life expectancy, and improved quality of life
Disadvantages of the Biomedical Model include being costly, having a narrow view of health, focusing on conditions rather than determinants, not treating every condition, and not always being affordable
Advantages of the Social Model include education, government support/strategies, cost-effectiveness in disease prevention, healthier lifestyles, involvement of government and non-government organizations, and increased economic development
Disadvantages of the Social Model include lack of education for the whole population, lack of motivation in the population, difficulty in lifestyle changes, prevention limitations, delayed results, and challenges in measuring effectiveness
The Mandala of Health is a bio-psycho-socio-environmental model incorporating natural and social sciences, the individual, family, community, and society in a holistic ecosystem
The Biomedical Model of Health is a Western medical model focusing on the physical body's response to disease, criticized for being reductionist and neglecting psychological and social factors
Health education provides accurate health information to help people make healthy choices, aiming to give tools for long, energetic, and productive lives
Building self-esteem involves valuing, respecting, and feeling confident about oneself, leading to benefits like increased respect and ability to reach goals