Economic systems and thinkers

Cards (18)

  • Free market
    All recources are allocated by the market
  • How does the free market allocate recources
    by the price mechanism
  • What markets do the goverment get involved in
    Command economy and mixed economy
  • What is the motive for production in a free market
  • Advantages of a free market
    Free markets are efficient and quick to respond to demand
    There will be greater economic growth in a free market
    There will be lower prices due to competition
    There is greater consumer choice due to competition
  • Disadvantages of a free market
    External costs
    Lower provision of public goods
    Consumer and worker explotation (inequalities)
    Monopolies may form
  • Command economy
    All recources are allocated by the government
  • What does the government do in a command economy
    The government tell producers what to produce for consumers
  • Advantages of a command economy
    There is less corruption
    A command economy maximises social welfare
    There is greater equality
    Market faliure can be corrected
    Monopolies can be stopped from forming
  • Disadvantages of a command economy
    There is inefficiency as there is no profit motive
    There is a reduction in consumer choice
    There is a lack of creativity and incentives
    There will be excess supply/demand
  • Mixed economy

    Recources are allocated by the price mechanism and the government
  • How does the government intervine in the private sector
    The government taxes goods
    The government provides subsidies
  • Mixed economy advantages
    Profit and welfare are both maximised
    Governemnt provision creates positive externalities
    There is greater consumer choice
  • Mixed economy disadvantages
    There is less control of recource allocation for the government
    There are oppurtunity costs and trade-offs
  • Adam smith
    He belived that the price mechanism should be left to work and the government shoudn't get involved
  • What did adam smith acknowledge about his theory
    The governemnt may have to get involved if there is market faliure
  • Karl marx
    Marx hated the free market as the free market led to capitalism which would result in worker and consumer explotation. He thought command economys would result in a more fair society
  • Friedrich Hayek
    Hayek argued that the allocation of recources by the government would not work as the government did not have sufficient amounts of information to do so