Nepal tourism

Cards (6)

  • What was the example of tourism decreasing the development gap?
  • Why is Nepal struggling?
    > LIC
    > Landlocked
    > 2015 EQ caused tourism to decrease by 1/3
  • Why Is tourism important in Nepal?
    > Mountain climbing (Himalayas)
    > 8% of GDP
    > Earnt $445 million in 2015
    > 1960 = 4000 tourists, in 2020 = 500,000
  • What are the benefits of tourism?
    > 500,000 direct jobs
    > 7% of employment
  • What are the negatives of tourism?
    > Unreliable- EQ decreased tourism by 1/3
    > Fewer people in agriculture = Increased food prices
    > Locals get poorly paid, season work
    > Air pollution from increased internal flights
  • How does tourism help reduce the development gap?
    Increase in tourism-> 500,000 people have jobs -> More money -> Improve standard of life