
Cards (7)

  • Van Dijk
    Media used stereotypes to portray ethnic minorities
    They're usually token characters
  • Ascribed Status
    Social positions that are given at birth and don't change over time
  • Relative poverty
    Feeling poor compared to others and lacking the luxuries that make life enjoyable
  • Weber (Interactionist)
    A persons social position is based on power, status and class not just their wealth. Some people can be wealthy but have very little power, this does not make them important. He also argues there are 3 types of authority in society: traditional (monarchy), charismatic (hitler and jesus) and rational legal (police and army.)
  • Devine (Marxist)
    Looked into the rise of new affluent workers. This is a social class that has some money but they begin to see themselves as middle class due to their social standing. This means the traditional working class is changing as people have begun to earn more money and improve their social position.
  • Townsend (Functionalist) 

    Looked into relative poverty. We can not define poverty based just off of income as you must consider everything someone needs to have a decent standard of living.
  • Institutional racism
    Where racism occurs within an organisation