physical change is when a substance undergoes a modification in its form or state of matter without changing its chemical structure. particles may get closer or farther apart but the particles remain un changed. (easy to reverse)
chemical change is when a substance changes completely, elements or compounded rearrange to produce a new substance (difficult to reverse)
chem change clues: colour change, new odour, heat/light produced, gas produced, precipitate forms
density is the amount of matter within a certain space. density is a characteristic of a physical property. density can also be used to identify a subject.
the equation for density : D = M/V
the equation for mass : M = DV
the equation for volume : V = M/D
units for density:
kilograms per m3
grams per cm3
when you freeze a liquid, its atoms or molecules get closer together, such that the solid is more dense then the liquid
different substances have different densities
the denstiy of water is 1g/mL or 1g/cm3
freezing water into ice is an exception, this is caused by the unusual property of water that cold water is most dense at 4c
an object that is denser than its surrounding area will sink
an object that is less dense compared to its surroundings will float.
matter is anything that has mass and takes up space
matter is made up of mixtures and pure substances
pure substances are made out of elements and compounds
elements can NOT be chemically broken down, are apart of the periodic table
eg: oxygen, chlorine, helium, hydrogen
compounds CAN be chemically broken down
eg:H2O(water), CO2(carbon dioxide), NaCl(table salt and sodium chlorine)