What the Catholic Faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ, and what it it teaches about Mary illumines in turn its faith in Christ.
Biblical Mary Dramatically Different from the Mary of Mariology
Misconceptions about Mary
Mary in Scripture Seen as Slighted by Christ
Misconceptions about Mary
Marian Doctrines Are without Exception Unscriptural
Misconceptions about Mary
Marian Mediation and Intercession Contrary to Salvation by Faith Alone
Misconceptions about Mary
Idolatory and Diabolic Signs and Wonders
Misconceptions about Mary
Mary's Name in HEBREW; Its meaning
Miryam; The Exalted One
Mary's name in GREEK; its meaning
Maria, Mariam; lady, beautiful, well-beloved
Mary's name in LATIN; its meaning
Mar; sea (song: star of the sea)
Mary's Motto
Do whatever Jesus tells you to do
Mary's Hobby
Following Jesus
Mary was born without original sin, and was therefore sinless throughout her life.
Mary's Immaculate Conception
Mary received almost nightly visits by angels as a temple child.
Catholic Tradition teachings
Had no children before Jesus (a Biblical teaching) or after Him (unbiblical)
Mary's Perpetual Virginity
Because of her sinlessness, Mary never experienced physical death—the result of sin. Instead, she was raised bodily into the presence of Christ.
Mary's Physical Ascension into Heaven
Holds that the obedience and sufferings of Mary were essential to secure the full redemption brought by Christ.
Mary's Role as Co-redemptrix and Mediatrix of all Graces
Because of Mary's unparalleled role in salvation, Mary is worthy of special adoration.
Mary's Right to Veneration and/or Worship
She is the Mother and Model of the Entire Church
The Virgin Mary
The Woman of Nazareth
The Virgin Mary
Why does Mary have exactly 12 virtues?
Exactly 12 like the stars on her crown, and the months of the year
The Virgin Mary always had integral faith in God; She accepted His plan and fully trusted in his Word.
Model of Faith
She never abandoned God's will but always trusted that after the Cross comes the Resurrection
Model of Hope
All she did was ____ always. She knew that all we have is a gift from God, and she lived "giving until it hurts."
Model of Love
the two Fundamental Attitudes of Love
Generosity and Diligence
Mary is a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus.
Model of Chastity
In her, this was linked to austerity and simplicity. Mary wouldn't fall into consumerism or spending money just for the sake of it.
Model of Poverty
It helps us carry out God's will before satisfying our own desires and despite our attachments.
Model of Obedience
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord"
Model of Obedience
Mary accepted her condition as God's creature at all times. She understood perfectly where her place was, and where God was.
Model of Humility
The Virgin Mary is a teacher in knowing how to wait and accept God's times, especially when things don't turn out the way we hope or in the midst of suffering.
Model of Patience
Our Blessed Mother knew how to receive and have _____ on everyone; Mary believes all things, endure all things and bear all things.
Model of Mercy
She was happy with what she had and received all that the lord gave her with joy.
Model of Joy
The Virgin Mary lived in constant thanksgiving for the Lord's countless gifts.
Model of Gratitude
She was the first to live in intimacy with God, and all her life was union with her Son. Ask Mary to help us unite hearts to the Heart of Jesus in every moment of our lives.