Since 2014, Georgia has faced external pressure to economic stability
Pressure on currency + loweer global oil/commodity prices which has meant a decrease in revenue from their exports
IMF: Approach to 'Georgia'
NBG (National Bank of Georgia) has undertaken number of reforms based on advice from IMF
April 2015, Georgia and IMF worked to together to strengthen central bank financial reporting + risk management work
Developed set of stronger risk management policies in line with global standards
More effectively integrate strategic considerations in NBG's yearly budget
IMF : Impact of 'Georgia'
NBG has joined 'International Operational Risk Working Group' of more than 60 central banks worldwide that share best practices on riskmanagement
Estabished ongoing relationship between Georgia’s and the Netherlands’ central banks, so the NBG couldlearn from an advancedEuropeancentral banking system.
Enhanced the NBG’sreputation as a governance role model for other central banks
Four aims of IMF
Promote international monetary cooperation and exchange rate stability
Facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade
Assist in the establishment of multi-lateral system of payments
Make resources available (with adequate safeguards) to members experiencing balance of payments difficulties!!!!!
Roles of IMF
Surveillance, CapacityDevelopment
Aims of UN
To maintaininternational peace and security.
To developfriendly relationsamongnations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples
To achieve international co-operation in solving problems and promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all
To be a centre for harmonising the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
Roles of UN
Deployment of Peace-Keeping Missions around the world
Provide a forum for states to debateissues of internationalconcern
Assistparties in conflict to makePeace and createconditions to allow peacetohold
Aim #1
Peace-KeepingMission in Malideployed (15thousandpersonnel) in April2013
December2023: MINUSMA closes its officialheadquarters in Mali
UN: Ceasefire in Yemeni Civil War
Aim #1 #2
Fighting and conflictsince2015
April2022,UNSpecialEnvoy for Yemen (Hans Grundber) brokered a truce in allattacks in which formallyheldfor 6 months
UN: Conference of Parties
Aim #2 #3
Annual summit involving party states to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Eg. Resulted in 2015 Paris Agreement
Structure of UN
General Assembly (every member state is able to vote, equal to every other state no matter influence, resolutions passed is non-binding)
Security council (5 permanent members, 10 non-permanent members rotate every 2 years, resolutions passed are binding)