Walsingham has spies that could capture catholic priests efficiently
Elizabeth was excommunicated in 1570
once Mary had been in jail for 19 years the babington plot was made
Causes of the Throckmorton Plot:
Missionary priests were sent by the pope
Support for Catholicism increased in the North
In 1581, a law was passed stating that converting to Catholicism was treason
Plans of the Throckmorton Plot:
Incite an uprising in the North with the French Duke de Guise by using Spanish money
Events of the Throckmorton Plot:
Throckmorton carried messages between French and Spanish Ambassadors
The plot never took place because it was stopped quickly enough
Supporters and significance in the Throckmorton Plot:
Francis Throckmorton
French and Spanish Ambassadors
Spanish money
Northern Rebels
French Army
Queen Elizabeth I looked for ways to convict Mary
Consequences of the Throckmorton Plot:
Throckmorton was executed in 1584
11,000 Catholics were imprisoned or under house arrest
Henry Percy killed himself due to his involvement
Elizabeth started looking for ways to convict Mary
In 1585, a law was passed making it illegal to house a Catholic priest
Catholics were treated with great suspicion
What went wrong in the Throckmorton Plot:
Throckmorton's house was searched, letters were found
He was arrested, then confessed under torture
The Spanish money was never sent
walsinghams interception methods:
Hired men who could open & close letters without people knowing
Employed a man who decoded the intercepted letters
Placed informers in people's houses
Informers' role:
People were encouraged to report any threat
Lower lieutenants had to report any threat to Elizabeth
Campion & Throckmorton were victims of the rack, used to extract information as a warning
The Bond of Association in 1584 stated that in the event of Elizabeth's life being threatened, Mary would die
Spies were placed in France, Italy, and Spain, some working in plots and reporting information to Naisingnam
Walsingham's role in Parliament was influential, leading to acts and priests' executions
walsinghams spies efficiently captured priests, sent by the Pope for missionary duties from 1574
Searches and registers:
Town councilors could search any foreigners' house for letters
Owners of taverns and inns had to report any travelers staying with them
Custom officials could stop, question, and search travelers to check for messages
Causes of the Babington Plot:
All their other failed attempts
Mary had been in prison for 19 years
Elizabeth had harsh treatment towards Catholics after the Throckmorton-plot
Plans of the Babington Plot:
Babington wrote to Mary with 6 ways to kill Elizabeth
The Duke of Guise planned to invade with 60,000 troops
Pope and Phillip II supported the plot
What happened with the Babington Plot:
The plot never happened because the letters were intercepted
Support and significance of the Babington Plot:
French Army
Anthony Babington
Spanish money
Mary was killed
Consequences of the Babington Plot:
Mary was executed on 8th February 1587
The plotters were rounded up, trialed & executed
Since Spain had been at war with England since 1585, they posed a massive invasion
31 Catholics were executed and 300 recusants arrested
What went wrong in the Babington Plot:
Walsingham had spies in Mary's house
Walsingham intercepted and read Mary's letters
Mary's sealed store was unlined with good and speedy horses
Causes of the Ridolfi Plot:
Catholics didn't have to obey Elizabeth
Many Catholics were executed
They had support from the Pope and Spain
Plan of the Ridolfi Plot:
Ridolfi had messages sent to Spanish troops in the Netherlands
Messages were also sent between parties involved
What happened with the Ridolfi Plot:
The plot was stopped quickly before it could be carried out
$10,000 Spanish troops were ready to invade England and kill Elizabeth
Many wanted to marry the Duke of Norfolk
Significance and Consequences of the Ridolfi Plot:
The Duke of Norfolk and were executed
Spanishambassadors were sent away
A law was passed punishing dissent with death
Reinforced the Spanish threat from the Netherlands
Elizabeth tried to improve relationships with France
What went wrong with the Ridolfi Plot:
Spanish troops delayed action until Elizabeth was off the throne
Walsingham's network discovered the plot
Details about the Ridolfi Plot:
Ridolfi confessed as his servants were interrogated
Ridolfi stayed in France
The Northern Earls were losing money due to the religious settlement and were influenced by their wives, planning to create an uprising in the North, capture Hartlepool port for Spanish troops' help, meet Norfolk to kill Elizabeth and place Mary on the throne
During the Revolt of the Northern Earls, they ordered their men to join them, charged into Durham Cathedral destroying Protestant prayer books and English Bibles, overturned the communion table, and celebrated Catholic mass in Latin
Hartlepool was captured during the revolt, but the Earl of Sussex's royal army of 10,000 made most rebels turn back
Significance of the revolt:
Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland
Catholics in the North
Duke of Norfolk
First time Catholics posed a threat
Spanish were seen as a massive threat
Consequences of the revolt:
Catholic threat was realized
Council of the North was set up
Earl of Northumberland was executed
Approximately 450 people were executed across the North
In 1570, the Pope excommunicated Elizabeth, releasing Catholics from obeying her
What went wrong during the revolt:
The Earls were never met by Spanish troops in Hartlepool
The Earls fled to Scotland, where Westmorland escaped abroad, Northumberland was handed over and executed in 1572
Norfolk was found out and arrested before they could meet