Cards (18)

  • Strategic management is considered the CAPSTONE course of all management and business subjects
  • Business policy refers to the process of defining the LONG-TERM GOALS of a company as determined by the members of the top-level management
  • During this early phase, top-level managers simply require different departments and functional areas to PREPARE BUDGETS AND TARGETS based information generated within the company.
  • The commonly used strategic management tool when practicing environmental monitoring is TREND ANALYSIS
  • The SOCIETAL ENVIRONMENT of a company consists of political or legal, economic, sociocultural and technological factors.
  • The primary objective of an INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS is to determine the different factors that influence competition so that a company can correctly position itself for continued growth and existence.
  • A well-defined ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE exhibits an effect flow of information, a well-defined control and monitoring system, and a clearly patterned chair command.
  • It was popularized by MICHAEL FORTES a prominent figure in competitive strategy formulation.
  • The SOCIOCULTURAL SEGMENT refers to the customs, traditions, values, beliefs, and lifestyles in a society for a period of time
  • This TECHNOLOGICAL SEGMENT can make a product obsolete overnight and, at the same time, provide opportunities for creating new products in a short period of time.
  • An internal environment analysis identifies a company’s internal strategic factors, such as STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES, to enable it to exploit opportunities and avoid threats of the external environment.
  • The commonly used strategic management tool to conduct a societal environment analysis is the STEEP or PESTEL analysis
  • They involve gathering reliable and relevant information that serves as input in the formulation of a FORECAST
  • Creditors refer to banks, financial institutions, and FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES engaged in lending money to a borrower, usually for a fee in the form of interest.
  • The last stage in the evaluation of a company's internal environment is to define its present status in terms of PROFITABILITY AND MARKET SHARE performance.
  • When the demand for a product or service starts to increase, the embryonic industry evolves to the next stage, which is the GROWTH INDUSTRY.
  • One of the best ways to assess CORPORATE CULTURE is to determine the present state of the individual or employee, the group or functional unit, and the entirety of a company.