Allusion is a literary reference to a familiar person, place, thing or event
setting is the time and place, a mood of a story
Conflict (internal) is a problem, antagonist or struggles that take place within an individual character
symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something else
A character dynamic is an imaginary person that inhabits a literary work and undergoes substantial internal changes.
An antagonist is the person or force working against the protagonist, or hero, of the work.
an allusion is a literary reference to a familiar person, place, thing or event
Irony (dynamic) is when the audience/readers know something important that the characters do not
Conflict external is a struggle between a character and an outside force
theme is a statement about life that the writer id trying to get across in a piece of literature
Motif is a often repeated term, image or idea in literature that often develops into a larger theme
character foil is Someone who serves as a contrast or challenge to another character
characterisation (direct) is an information provided by the narrator about character(s)
plot is a Sequence of events in a story
Irony (situational) is Using a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal meaning
Flashback is returning to an earlier time for the purpose of making something in the present more clear
POV is the perspective from which a story is told eg, first person, third person
characterisationindirect is the method the author uses to create believable people (revealing characters through actions)
Protagonist is Main character in a story
Irony (verbal) using a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal meaning; verbal irony is in which the opposite is said from what is intended
Character static character that undergoes no change
Irony (situational)
Usinga word orphrasetomeanthe exact opposite ofits literal meaning