Microbial control involves sterilization and disinfection
Sterilization is the complete removal or destruction of all living organisms, which can be achieved through physical and chemical methods
Physical methods of sterilization include:
Applicator of heat
Cold temperature
Mechanical shaking/agitation
Use of ultrasonic
Applicator of heat methods for sterilization:
1. Moist Heat Method:
Principle: to kill microorganisms by coagulating
Methods: boiling, autoclave (needs 120°C under pressure for 15 minutes), Arnold Sterilizer (flowing steam or tyndallization at 100°C for 36 minutes for 3 consecutive days), inspissation (75-80°C for 2 hours for 3 consecutive days), pasteurization (used for sterilizing milk and milk products)
2. Dry Heat Method:
Oven temperature: 160-170°C
Methods: flaming test tubes, cremation, incineration (flaming ashes at 300-400°C)
2 methods:
•LTH (Low Temperature Holding) – Batch Method
-(62°C for 30 mins)
•HTST (High Temperature Short Time) – apply for 72°C for 15 seconds)