World War II: Interest in building more effective weapons
World War II: Led to the study of humans and machines
Ergonomics Research Society was stablished in 1949.
Ergonomics Research Society was established in 1949.
Ergonomics Research Society focused on physical characteristics of machines and systems and how these affect human performance.
Ergonomics and Human Factor: Both disciplines are concerned with user performance in the context of a system
HCI became a popular term in the 1980s.
HCI became a popular term in the 1980s.
HCI is specialized field of study concerned with the interaction between people and computers.
HCI is concerned with the physical, psychological and theoretical aspects of the process.
Four major components of HCI
• The computer
• The human being
• The task
• Usability
Useful: Object accomplishes what is required
Usable: Object accomplishes what is required easily and naturally, without danger or error
Used: Object is attractive, engaging, fun—people WANT to use it
Affordances are the design aspects that indicate how an object should be used, almost like visual clues.
Constraints in design serve as guides or guardrails, preventing users from making errors and directing them towards the intended use of a product.
Constraints can be physical (like the shape of a USB plug that only allows it to be inserted in one orientation).
Constraints can be cultural (such as red for stopping and green for going).
Constraints can be logical (like graying out unavailable options in a software menu).
Constraints help to simplify decision-making and usage, ensuring a smoother user experience.
Conceptual models are the mental representations people form of how things work.
Conceptual models help users predict the outcomes of their interactions with a system.
Conceptual models are crucial in design because they help bridge the gap between a user’s expectations and the product’s functioning.
Mappings refer to the relationship between controls and their effects in a system.
The principle of visibility emphasizes the importance of making necessary elements visible and accessible to users while minimizing the visibility of non-essential elements.
Visibility helps in reducing the user’s cognitive load by making options and paths to action clear.
Feedback in design is about communicating back to the user that an action has been registered and what the result of that action is.
HCI is concerned with these three: Sight, Hearing, Touch
Human beings can hear sounds from 20 Hz to 15 kHz.
Human beings can distinguish frequency changes of less than 1.5 Hz at low frequencies.
Haptic perception - important means of feedback
If we can see an object but not feel it, speed and accuracy of a response is reduced.
Touch: Complaint of VR users
Human memory three types:
sensory buffers
short-term memory
long-term memory
Iconic - visual
• persistence of the image after the stimulus has been removed
Echoic - aural
• allows a brief “play-back”
Echoic memory is the sensory memory for sounds, briefly holding audio information for recall within a few seconds after input.
Short-term memory: Scratch-pad for temporary recall
Short-term memory: Used for information needed fleetingly