Short term memory

Cards (7)

  • Short-term memory definition⇒ STM is a memory system with limited storage capacity in which information is retained for a relatively short time unless renewed in some way. When you pay attention to the information in your sensory memory, the information enters your STM
  • The capacity of short-term memory is limited, with estimates ranging from 5 to 9 items.
    • Function: STM holds all the information you are consciously aware of at any moment in time. This includes all conscious learning, perceiving, feeling, and thinking.
    • Duration: Temporary, 18-20 seconds and then all information disappears if it is not renewed in some way
    • Maintenance Rehearsal A commonly used method of renewal that can allow info to last up to 30 seconds E.g. repeating a telephone number over and over and over to yourself
    • We were able to recall more sequences when there were separate bits of information together. This demonstrates Chunking, where information is grouped into larger units or ‘chunks’ of information
    • Space in your STM is also filled when we think and when information is temporally retrieved from LTM to be used
    • Information stored in the STM is lost primarily through decay, (occurs when information is not renewed and fades away over time) and displacement (pushed out because new information is causing your STM capacity to be exceeded)