BUFFALO – domestic horned ungulate belonging to genus bubalus; also known as water buffalo, Asiatic buffaloes, carabao, etc.
DONKEY – close relative of the horse, also known as ass or burro (Equus asinus)
JACK (JACKASS) - male ass
JENNET (JENNY) – female ass
MULE – produced from crossing a jackass with mare (reproductively sterile)
HINNY- produced from crossing a stallion with a jennet (reproductively sterile)
PONY – small-type horse, under 14.2 hands ( 57 inch.) in height at the withers
JILL – female mink
BULLOCK – a young bull, typically less than 20 months of age
JACKRABBIT – or native hare (genus lepus) wild relative of the domestic (Orytelagus)
FRYER – young male or female domestic rabbit (meat-type)
BROILER – young meat type of chicken of either sex (usually up to 6-8 weeks of age) weighing 1.3-2.2 kg. Also referred to as Fryer or young chicken
ROASTER – meat type of chicken of either sex (typically 3-5 months of age) weighing about 2.95 kg. average live weight
SQUAB – young immature pigeon, usually up to 30 days old (also refers to its meat)
SQUAB BROILER – meat type chicken sold at 0.9-1.1 kg. (2-2.5 lb) live weight. Usually smaller than broiler, and sold whole body and never cut
CAPON – cockerel or type of poultry meat from surgically castrated male chicken weighing 3.6 to 4.5 kg.
KEET – young guinea fowl
RATITE – big birds (ostrich, emu, rhea) known for their red meat and skins (for leather)
KOSHER MEAT – meat from ruminants with split hooves where the animals have been slaughtered according to Jewish practices and law.
SIRE – refers to the male parent.
DAM – refers to the female parent
RUTTING – refers to the breeding process or mating in goats.
STOCKER – weaned cattle fed high-roughage diets before going to the feedlot. Also to describe light/thin feeders/mature cows purchased to utilize low-quality roughage.
STUD – usually the breeding stallion. Also a place where male animals are maintained.
STAG – usually male livestock mammals castrated after puberty; also refers to young but sexually mature ( 7 mos 1 year) fighting cock
LARD – fat from pigs produced through a rendering process.
TALLOW – fat of cattle, buffalo or sheep.
VIXEN – female fox
WEAN – to separate a young animal from its dam, and from suckling milk.
ZEBU – tropical humped cattle breeds (Bos indicus) of Indian ( S. Asia) origin.