Connected discourse is a continuous sequence of sounds forming utterances or conversations in spoken language
Discourse written or verbal exchange about things that reason out reality
Linguistics the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics
Text a writing consisting of multiple glyphs, characters, symbols, or sentences
Exposition a form of discourse that serves to inform or explain; it appeals to the intellect
Discription a form of discourse that serves to describe the characteristics or qualities of something or someone; it appeals to the senses
Narration a form of discourse that serves to tell or narrate a story; it appeals to emotion
Argumentation a form of discourse that serves to argue or persuade the audience to change his mind or to take an action
Transitionalword words that provide a connection or link between ideas that are used to ensure connectedness and a smooth flow of ideas in conversation
Writing the activity or skills of marking coherent words on paper and composing text
Brainstorming a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members
Graphic organizer also known as knowledge map, concept map, story map, cognitive organizer, advance organizer, or concept diagram is a pedagogical tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge and concepts though relationships between them
Pie chart use to present proportions and percentage
Column bar use to compare quantities. It may be vertical or horizontal
Line graph use to show progress or development. It may be a single line of a multiple line
Surface graph use to show proportions and quantities. It may be a single surface or multiple surfaces
Map chart use to shos geographical data and how things are put together
Figure graph use to present quantities in tgs form of figures
Photograph use to show how things look alike
Organizational chart use to present the lines of responsiblity and accountability in an organization
Table use to present a large body of numerical or other data. It may be informal or formal
Table use to present a large body of numerical or other data. It may be informal or formal
Schematic diagram use to show how things works or is organized
Flow chart use to show chronology of events in a narrative or stages in a process
Tree chart use to present clarification or an analysis
Drawing use to show details not available in a photograph. Example parts of a machine
Outlining is a logical way of putting things in order in short. It is the skeletal framework of ideas that help the author arrange the topic based on its importance
Alphanumeric system makes use of alphabet letters and numerical numbers
What are the 3 classifications of outlining
Topicoutline, sentenceoutline and paragraphoutline
Academic writing is a formal style of writing used universities
Essay is a short formal piece of writing that has a single subject
Paterns of development these are logical patterns of thinking used to support arguments
Description it gives detail about a specific object, person, of location, to firmly set its appearance. It has 5 senses
Subejctive description includes attention to both the subject described and the writer's reactions (internal, personal) to the subject
Objective description it the primarily factual and scientific view of what is being described
Definition it explains a concept, term, or subject
Division it refers to sorting or arranging subjects
Process analysis refers to breaking down a process
Denotation meaning is the meaning of word that we can find in dictionary
Connotations are the meanings that are based on emotional or judgemental aspects and associated concepts