Acclimatization – adaptation to environment over a period of time
Ad-libitum - as desired by the animal; self-fed.
Aquaculture - raising/production of fishes/marine products in selected or controlled environments.
Biosecurity - planned system/measure to prevent entry and spread of diseases in the flock/herd.
Broodiness - tendency of hen to nest; incubating behavior.
Brooding -raising and caring for chicks in a protective environment (usually for the first 5-6 weeks).
Cannibalism - tendency or vice of animals in herd/flock to bite/peck others causing injuries.
Carcass - animal body less viscera, head, skin and lower legs after slaughter.
Castration - removal of the testicles of male animals.
Comfort zone (thermoneutral zone)- range of temperatures at which animal performance is maximized.
Conformation - structure/shape (or a cut) of animal carcass.
Coprophagy - eating or consumption of feces
Creep feed - feed provided to young animals within an enclosure that excludes larger animals.
Cud - a bolus of previously eaten food which has been regurgitated for further chewing.
Deglutition - swallowing
Erucation - a belching/burping;expulsion of accumulated gastric gases.
Ethology - scientific study of animal behavior in natural or typical environment.
Fattening - deposition of unused energy in the form of fat within body tissues.
Finishing - to fatten a slaughter animal; also the degree of fatness of such animal.
Flushing - practice of feeding higher amount of nutrients prior to and during breeding for ovulation.
Gamebirds - refers to wild birds (eg. Pheasants) for hunting.
Gamefowls - type of chicken of both sexes especially bred to produce fighting cocks.
Homeostasis - maintenance of physiological stability even though environment may change.
Homeotherm (warm-blooded animal)- animal that utilizes or dissipates energy to maintain body temperature ( 37.0 C).
Husbandry - refers to raising, production and proper care of livestock and poultry animals.
Litter - a) bedding/flooring materials such as sawdust, rice hulls, wood shavings; b) a group of piglets/puppies born of a sow/bitch at the same parturition.
Marbling - the interspersion of fat particles in lean meat.
Mastication - chewing.
Microflora - gross overall population of microorganisms (bacteria,protozoans, yeast, etc.)
Mohair - animal fiber used for upholstery or clothing; of greater length and less crimp than wool.
Palatability - property of being pleasing to taste.
Pecking order - social order; the tendency of animals to behavior in order of social dominance.
Photoperiod - the length of daylight or artificial light provided.
Poikilotherm (cold-blooded animal)-animal with little or no ability to maintain an even body temperature, so temperature is influenced largely by the
immediate environment.
Regurgitation - act of voluntary vomiting of swallowed food.
Roughage - feed low in digestible energy and high in fiber.
Silage - succulent feed produced from anaerobic storage and fermentation of forages.
Silo - a semi-airtight to airtight structure for use in the production and storage of silage.
Soundness -health or physical integrity of an animal or some of its parts.
Spay - to remove the ovaries or sever the oviducts leading to the uterus; neutering in females.