Kidney: play a central role in overseeing the intricate physiological process or urine formation
Kidney: major organ for excretion of urine
1200 mL: average daily urine output
170,000 mL: filtered plasma that is transformed into an average of 1200 mL urine output daily
Glomerularfiltration,tubularreabsorption, and tubularsecretion: overall process of urine formation
Creatinine Clearance: laboratory test that helps assess kidney function bydetermining how effectively the kidneys remove creatinine from the blood
Creatinine Clearance: plays a crucial role in diagnosing and monitoring kidney disease and adjusting medication dosages for patients with impaired kidney function.
Creatinine: waste product generated by muscles and typically filtered out by the blood by the kidneys and expelled in the urine
Creatinine Clearance specimen: 12- or 24-hoururine and bloodsample (collected simultaneously)
Creatinine Clearance: aid healthcare professional in the early detection and the prevention of kidney disease and the prevention of complications associated with impared kidney function
mL/min: unit for the creatinine clearance test
Formula of CCT: C = UV/P x 1.73/A
C: Creatinine Clearance
U: Urine creatinine level
V: Urine volume(mL/min)
P: Plasma/serum creatinine
A: body size
1.73: average body size of an adult
Glomerular Filtration: removal of fluids and solutes from the blood; found in glomerulus
Glomerulus: does not filtrate anything; 120 mL/min
Tubular Reabsorption: return of useful substances to the blood
Tubular Secretion: regulation of chemical levels in the body; excretion of harmful chemicals
Proxima Convoluted Tubule: major reabsorption of substances
Ascending Loop of Henle: not permeable for water
Distal Convoluted Tubule: reabsorption of chloride
Glomerular Filtration Tests: tests to measure the filtering capacity of glomerulus
Inulin: exogenous (not naturally found in the body)