Characteristics of Research

Cards (7)

  • Empirical
    • It takes into account the direct experience that fuse the researcher’s speculation with reality
  • Systematic
    • follows orderly and sequential procedures, based on valid procedures and principles.
  • Controlled
    • In research, all variables, except those that are tested/experimented on, are kept constant
  • Employs hypothesis
    • The hypothesis guides the investigation process. Research refers to a search for facts, answers to questions and solutions to problems
  • Analytical
    • There is a critical analysis of all data used so that there is no error in the researcher’s interpretations
  • Objective
    • The term also refers to the research as unbiased and logical. All findings are logically based on empirical data, which as earlier mentioned, are based on real life situations.
  • Original Work
    • Requires effort to get at the researcher’s own investigation and produce the data needed to complete the study. Go to the library to check on the originality of your work.