Cards (9)

  • Blood type determination
    • Determined by antigens on the surface of red blood cells
    • Antigens help differentiate between own cells and foreign ones
    • Body creates antibodies against foreign antigens
  • Blood typing
    • Determines a person’s blood type
    • Essential for blood transfusion or blood donation
    • Importance of knowing your blood group
    • Incompatible blood types can trigger dangerous immune responses
  • Antibody creation
    Body creates antibodies against antigens not present in the blood
  • ABO blood typing system categories

    • Type A has A antigen
    • Type B has B antigen
    • Type AB has both A and B antigens
    • Type O has neither A nor B antigens
  • Donations
    • Type O individuals can donate to anyone but receive only from type O individuals
    • Type A individuals can donate to type A and AB individuals, receive from type A and O individuals
    • Type B individuals can donate to type B and AB individuals, receive from type B and O individuals
    • Type AB individuals can donate to type AB individuals, receive from any blood type
  • Rh factor
    • Rh-positive individuals have Rh antigens on red blood cells and can receive Rh-positive or Rh-negative blood
    • Rh-negative individuals do not have Rh antigens and can only receive Rh-negative blood
  • ABO and Rh grouping systems

    • Eight possible blood types: O-positive, O-negative, A-positive, A-negative, B-positive, B-negative, AB-positive, AB-negative
    • Type O-negative considered a universal donor, but may cause serious reactions in some cases
  • Karl Landsteiner discovered blood types in 1901, making blood transfusions safer and less risky, leading to a Nobel Prize
  • Discovery of blood typing by Karl Landsteiner in 1901 made blood transfusions safer and less risky