
Cards (14)

  • what is it made up of?

    O and H in ratio of 2:1
  • Monomers of carbs
  • monosaccharides characteristics
    3-7 carbon atoms arranged in a ring
    white and crystalline
    sweet to taste
    soluble in water
  • hexoses
  • Pentoses
  • What is a disaccharides
    Two monosaccharides joined together by an glycosidic bond
  • Types of disaccharides
    Sucrose - fructose and glucose
    (table sugar)
    maltose - glucose and glucose
    (malt sugar)
    lactose - galactose and glucose
    (milk sugar)
  • Hydrolysis
    Breaking down of a disaccharide into monosaccharide by breaking its glycosidic bond and adding water
  • dehydration synthesis
    When two monosaccharides join to form a disaccharides forming a glycosidic bond by removing water
  • What is a polysaccharide
    Large complex molecule made of of 1000’s of glucose molecules in a chain
    mosly insoluble in water
    energy rich molecules
    storage of sugars
  • Plant polysaccharides
    • bland tasting white powder
    • plant starch
    • fibrous molecule that forms plant cell walls
    • indigestible to humans but plays a role in peristalsis
  • Animal polysaccharides
    • forms the exoskeleton of insects and the cell wall of fungi
    • carb reserve found in the liver and muscles of animals and converted into glucose when needed
  • Biological importance of carb
    • Source of energy - carbs are readily broken down by living organisms to release energy
    • energy storage -substrates of energy production, starch and glycogen are storage polysaccharides and act as a store of energy in living organisms
    • structural function - cellulose is found in plant cell wallas and helps give plants strength
  • what is a carbohydrate
    organic compounds that have a varity of jobs such as energy storage, energy source and have structural importance in plants and animals