It is an entrepreneur's business idea that can potentially be one a commerical product or service in the future.
Essentials in Entrepreneur's Opportunity-Seeking
Entrepreneurial Mindframe
Entrepreneurial HeartFlame
Entrepreneurial GutGame
This allows the entrepreneur to see things in a positive and optimistic way in the midst of a difficult situation.
Entrepreneurial Mind Frame
Entrepreneurs are driven by passion; they are attracted to discover satisfaction in the act and process of discovery.
This refers to the ability of the entrepreneur of being intuitive; confidence in oneself.
Entrepreneurial Gut Game
Factors of Macroenvironmental Sources
New Discovery or knowledge
Futuristic opportunities
What does STEEPLED stand for?
Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal, Ethical, and Demographical
It represents the general environment where the entrepreneur can identify business opportunities.
This is the source of current trend on what is happening where the future business will belong to.
These are the new trends that can be the core business model of a new venture.
New Discovery or Knowledge
These are projected new opportunities that can possibly affect the new business whole it is running.
Futuristic Opportunities
Factors of Micromarket
Consumer preferences, interests, and perception
Unexpected opportunities from customers
Talents, hobbies, skills, and expertise
Irritants in the marketplace such as deterrents, problems, complaints, and delays
These are the current needs and wants of potential customers that should be discovered right away by a budding entrepreneur.
Consumer preferences, interests, and perception
Recognizing and understanding potential competitors will aid the entrepreneur to develop a product or service that is unique and will surely stand out from the competition.
It may happen in unlikely situations, unlikely places, and with unlikely people.
Unexpected opportunities from customers
Business opportunities do not just come from outside forces, but also from within the entrepreneur.
Talents, hobbies, skills, and expertise
Entrepreneurs see opportunities in situations where there is recurring problem or sometimes when there is no more hope on solving the problem.
Irritants in the marketplace such as deterrents, problems, complaints, and delays
Entrepreneurs just have to look at their ecosystem and they will be able to spot a business opportunity right away.
Methods of Generating Ideas
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Brainwriting / internet brainstorming
Problem inventory analysis
Screening the Opportunity: The main objective that the business will accomplish in the entrepreneur's life.
Internal intent
SCREENING THE OPPORTUNITY: It will address the compelling needs of the target market.
External intent
It refers to the entrepreneur's tolerance of business risks.
Risk appetite
This should only be devoted to worthwhile opportunities.
This aims to assist entrepreneurs in ensuring that the opportunity that they will venture into is an attractive and feasible prospect.
The Opportunity Attractiveness Test (OAT)
Components of OAT: The entrepreneur should think of the reason for the business' existence.
The "concept" and the "strategy"
Component of OAT: It is simply defined as what the business should do in the future.
Vision statement
Component of OAT: The value that the product or service will offer to the target customers or the satisfaction of the needs or wants of the customers.
Value creation proposition
These are considered as the opportunity's critical success factors.
Opportunity metrics
It is the process of positively improving an existing product or service.
3 Types of Innovation
Breakthrough Innovation
Technological Innovation
Ordinary Innovation
Including inventions, this innovation occur infrequently as these establish the platform on which future innovations in an area are developed.
Breakthrough innovation
These are technological advancements of sn existing product of service.
Technological Innovation
Commonly originating from market analysis and technological pull instead of a technological push.
Ordinary Innovation
Product or Service Planning and Development Process