Viola tries to refuse the ring by pretending that she gave it to Olivia, then Malvolio throws the ring down before walking off
Viola realises that Olivia has fallen in love with her as Cesario
This scene has Viola's only soliloquy in the play where she talks about women in love and her love with Orsino
Viola leaves the love triangle to unravel with time as she can't see a resolution which creates dramatic irony as the audience can see a resolution as they know that Sebastian, her twin, is alive
"If it be worth stooping for, there it lies, in your eye; if not, be it his that finds it"
Malvolio talking about ring, metaphor for love, putting effort into love and if it's worth stooping for keep it and if it's not then leave it
"She loves me sure"
Viola talking about Olivia
"How easy is it for the proper false In women's waxen hearts to set their forms"
Outdated language, women weaker and frailer, Viola
"I, poor monster"
Viola describes herself as neither man or woman
"O time, thou must untangle this, not I"
Viola talking about love triangle, cruel fate as time has trapped her, lack of responsibility but she is the only one who knows about triangle