the group which you change the conditions of the participants in order to get results
What is the Control group?
The group where no changes were made and the everything is kept consistent
what does the scientist do in a lab exp?
The scientist manipulates the variables in which they are interested
A Lab Exp is...
Relaible or valid?
" Lab Exp are favoured by neither interpretivists or Positivits"
True or False
Name 2 Practical problems?
Lab experiments usually in small groups so aren't representative.
Its impossible to control the variables
What does representative mean?
An accurate picture of how things are on a larger scale
What do small samples mean?
the the data received isn't representative
What areVulnerable groups
Vulnerable groups are groups where in which children or people with special needs and learning difficulties may not understand the nature of the question
What are 3 ethical problems with Lab Exp?
Lack of informed consent, deception and harm
What research did Milgram do?
wether a person would cause physical pain to another person because a person on authourity told them to
What is the Hawthorne effect?
People may behave differently if they know they are being researched, thus effecting the results on the test.
What data will the Hawthorne effect produce?
Invalid data
What validity do lab exps. lack?
Ecological validity
What does ecological validity mean?
that is doesn't take place in the participant natural environment therefore it is not true to life
What did Mayo research?
Mayo found that the people he researched wanted to please the experimenter
Do Positivists or Interpretivists prefer lab experiments AND WHY?