Cards (65)

  • Algae are photosynthetic, eukaryotic organism.
  • Algae produce energy use for photosynthesis.
  • Most algae cell walls contain cellulose.
  • One genus algae, prototheca is a very rare cause human infection.
  • Genera secretes tpxic substances called phycotoxins.Genera
  • Phycotoxins produce dinoflagellates, caused redtides and disease called paralytic shellfish poinsoning.
  • Protozoa are non photosynthetic eucaryotic organism.Protozoa
  • Thickened cell membrane called pellicle.
  • Ingested food through primitive mouth called cytostome.
  • 2 stage of protozoan cycle are trophozoite and cyst.
  • Trophozoite are motile, feeding, and dividing stage.
  • Cyst is a non motile, dormant and survival stage.
  • Protozoa are dividen ito groups base on locomotion they are the amebae, cilliates, flagelates, and sporozoa. Protozoa
  • Amebae move by means by means of pseudopods" false feet".Amebae
  • Example of amebae is entamoeba histolytica causes amebic dysentery.
  • Ciliates move by means of hairlike cillia.
  • Example of cilia is balantidium coli causes balantidiasis.
  • Flagellates move by means of whiplike flagella.
  • Example of flagellates is giardia lamblia cause giardiasis.
  • Sporozoa has no visible means of locomotion. Example is plasmodium spp cause malaria.Sporozoa
  • Dysentery results severe diarrhea.
  • Giardia lamblia a pathogemic species feed off tge intestinal lining. Giardia
  • Entamoeba Histolytica feeds of intestinal guts and cause irritation called amoebic dysentery.
  • Taxoplasmosis can get form contaminated water and eating undercooked. Caused sever damage to brain and eyes. Taxoplasmosis
  • Malaria transmittes by mosquito bites.
  • The study of fungi called mycology. The scientist that study fungi called mycologist.
  • Fungi are the garbage disposer of nature.
  • Diverse group of eukaryotic organisms include yeast, molds , and fleshy fungi
  • Fungals cell walls contain polysaccharide called chitin
  • Grow as filaments called hyphae.
  • Hyphae intertwined to form a mass called mycelium .Hyphae
  • Septate Hyphae divided cells and septa. Aseptate Hyphae do not have septa.
  • 2 general categories of spore are sexual spore and asexual spore.
  • Yeast are eukaryotic unicellular organisms that lack mycelia.
  • Individual yeast cell refered as blastospores and blastoconidia.
  • Yeast usually reproduce by budding.
    String elongated buds called Pseudohypha. Thick walled of yeast are called chlamydospores.
  • Yeast used to make wine. Saccharomyces cerevisiae used in baking. Candida albicans used for human specimen.
  • Molds are often seen in soil, water, and growing in food.
  • Molds produce cytoplasmic filaments called hyphae.
  • Aerial hyphae grow above the surface. Vegetativr hyphae grow beneath surface.