
Cards (22)

  • inputs are the materials needed for processing to come up with finished products
  • output means finished products
  • process is the step-by-step procedure followed in transforming materials into finished products
  • production plan involves the necessary raw materials and parts, number of workers, types of machines needed, and the completion time for such operation involved
  • projected sales are the expected results of variable cost and fixed cost within the target period
  • sales management involves formulation of sales strategy
  • trial-run is the actual testing of a business
  • viability means the practicability of a business
  • CAPITAL COST   -  a payment of interest for the duration of the loan
  • COST    -  represents form of payment
  • PRODUCTION   -  process of making or manufacturing goods
  • DIRECT COST  -  payment and expenditure made for the production or  service that become part of the product like acquisition of raw materials and salaries/wages of the workers
  • INDIRECT COST  -  sum of other expenses or cost generated from the business and also known as overhead expenses
  • MATERIAL COST -  all materials needed both for direct manufacturing and  those needed for the functioning of the business
  • STAFF COST   -  are salaries or wages plus additional costs as payments or incentive on overtime works, social security, annual and sick leaves of workers.
  • DIRECT COST - item which becomes part of the products or services composing material cost, wages and benefits
  • INDIRECT COST - items needed in running a business known as overhead expenses. These are the expenses on building, machines, maintenance, salaries, office costs, selling cost and financial cost.
  • TR IS LESSER THAN TC - The production needs to stop.
  • TR IS EQUAL TO TC - There is a need to maintain your production .
  • TR IS GREATER THAN TC - You have to produce more.
  • give 3 examples of direect cost direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing supplies
  • give 3 examples of indirect cost rents, utilities, general office expenses