
Cards (9)

  • what are vitamins
    organic compounds essential for normal metabolic reactions and to maintain heath. come are coenzymes and others are respon for regulating metabolism
  • what are coenzymes
    they help enzymes catalyze a reaction efficiently
  • fat soluble vitamins
    A, D, E and K
  • water soluble
    B and C
  • vitamin C
    involved in iron metabolism
    plays a role in the immune system
    helps form collagen to assist in wound repair
    prevents scurvy
    comes from fresh fruit and vegatbles and it is very heat sensitive
  • B vitamins
    prevents skin disorders and nervous disorders
    prevents pellagra and beri-beri
    comes from cereal eggs milk and whole grains
  • vitamin D
    promotes strong bones and teeth and healthy nervous system
    comes from fish oil and made in response to sunlight in the skin
  • vitamin A
    helps with eyesight function and promotes healthy immune system
    comes from liver dairy dark green vegetables and yellow vegetables
  • vitamin E
    acts as a anti-oxidant by preventing free-radical damage from respiration
    comes from omega 3 oils and certain plant seed and nuts