POA: Intro to accounting

Cards (18)

  • Trading business
    A business that buys from suppliers and sells goods to customers

    eg. Clothing shop, bookshop
  • Service Business
    A business that provides services to its customers

    eg. Transportation, banking services
  • Stake holders
    groups of people who will make use of information about the business to make decisions.
  • owners and shareholders
    Whether to continue to invest in the business or sell the business, depending on risks and returns related to business.
  • Managers
    Whether to consider ways to improve the performance of the business
  • Employees
    Whether to continue working at the business
  • Lenders
    Whether to grant loans to the business, depending on the business' ability to repay the loan principal and pay interest
  • suppliers
    Whether to sell to the business on credit, depending on its ability to pay
  • Customers
    Whether to buy from business, depending on the business' ability to provide the goods and services that they need and good after-sales service.
  • Government
    Whether business complies with tax regulations and the amount of tax to collect from the business
  • competitors
    Whether they are compatible to the business and how to improve their own performance
  • Role of accounting
    an information system that provides accounting information for stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding management of resources and performance of business

    (decide on what to do)
  • Role of accountant
    prepare and provide accounting information for decision-making.

    sets up an accounting information system and become stewards of business

    (manage business not own biz)
  • Accountant with integrity
    Is straightforward and honest in all professional relationships.
  • Accountant who is objective
    Will not let bias, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others override his or her professional judgements.
  • Accounting period theory
    The life of a business is divided into regular time intervals (yearly)
  • Going concern theory
    A business is assumed to have an indefinite economic life unless there is credible evidence that it may close down
  • Monetary Theory
    Only business transactions that can be measured in monetary terms are recorded

    (anything related to money)