2. Significant Figures

Cards (17)

  • All NON-ZERO digits are significant
    1.3789 -> 5 SF
  • LEADING zeros are not significant
    0.0085 -> 2 SF
  • CAPTIVE zeroes are significant
    30.046 -> 5 SF
  • TRAILING zeroes with decimal point are significant
    2.000 -> 4 SF
  • TRAILING zeroes without decimal point are not significant
    2000 -> 1 SF
  • EXACT numbers and constants are infinite in number 

    16 drops -> infinite
  • 2.00 mL
    3 SF
  • 0.0089 g
    2 SF
  • 4.389 K
    4 SF
  • 58 apples
  • 30000 KM
    1 SF
  • 2.00008 s
    6 SF
  • Addition and Subtraction - least number of significant figures after the decimal point
    Multiplication and Division - least number of significant figures
  • 12.35 + 2.1 = ?
  • (57.12 cm x 1.2 cm) + (10.35 cm x 0.68 cm) = ?

    75.6 cm^2
  • When reporting measurements, include the digit that was?
  • What is all digits that you are sure of and the one uncertain digit?
    Significant figures