Cards (11)

  • Rise in satire
    Private eye 1961
    TWTWTW 1962
  • Profumo affair 1963
    secatary of state for war had slept with Keeler - he then lied to the commons about it - it was then discovered Keeler was also sleeping with a KGB agent
  • Vassal affair 1963
    John Vassal was a spy for the UK to the USSR, but he defected and helped to modernise their navy
  • Night of the long Knives 1962
    Macmillan dismissed 1/3 of his cabinet in one day after there was a leak of his plan for a cabinet reshuffle
  • Gaitskellite
    Right of the Labour party, led by Hugh Gaitskell, associated with thinkers such as Anthony Crosland, wanted the party to adopt a moderate, social democratic position
  • Bevanite
    Left of the Labour party, led by Aneurin Bevan, wanted the party to adopt a more radical, socialist position
  • Labour party split over the future direction of socialism
    Gaitskellites vs Bevanites
  • The 1950s saw economic recovery and general public contentment with the Conservative governments of the time
  • This split and the 1950s context helped keep the Labour party out of power for thirteen years
  • Attlee resigned as leader and was replaced by Gaitskell
    After 1955 general election
  • The trade union block vote, which generally voted with the leadership, ensured that the Bevanites were eventually defeated