
Cards (10)

  • when and what was the Representation of the People Act
    allowed women over 21 to vote in line with men
  • when did equal pay come about for teachers and civil servants
    teachers in 1952 and civil servants in 1954
  • what were the perceptions of married women working
    it was perceived that women who were married and working would hinder their children's development
  • what % of unmarried women worked?
  • when was the feminine mystique by betty Friedan published
  • what % of managers were women
  • what % of university students were women
  • what did the 1967 family planning act detail
    provided contraception
    provided family planning advice
    Illegitimate births went from 5.8% to 8.3%
  • what were the impacts of the family planning act
    men were seen to be less responsible for pregnancies. there was a rise in rapes.
  • what were the role of washing machines and hoovers
    they freed up the time of house wives and meant that they could have part time jobs or hobbies