Cards (71)

  • How can we understand ourselves? (Clue: UMS)
    Understand your life story, Make self-relfection a habit, Seek honest feedback
  • Ability to recognize and acknowledge your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and motivations as they happen
  • Determinants of Personality
    Biological Factors, Social Environment, Family
  • Encompasses a deeper comprehension of who you are
    Understanding oneself
  • Hereditary, genes
  • Environment
  • Sets of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors
  • Big 5 factors of Personality (CLUE: OCEAN)

    Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism
  • Involves all aspects of a person
    Holistic Personality Development
  • Proposed the hierarchy of needs theory
    Abraham maslow
  • the founder and father of psychoanalysis
    sigmund freud
  • 3 basic structures of mind
    id, ego, superego
  • 1st stage of psychosexual development theory

    oral stage
  • 2nd stage of psychosexual development theory
    anal stage
  • 3rd stage of psychosexual development theory
    phallic stage
  • 4th stage of psychosexual development theory
    latency stage
  • 5th/last stage of psychosexual development theory

    genital stage
  • how many stages are there in psychosocial development theory?
  • Wanting to possess the mother and the desire to replace the father
    Oedipus Complex
  • Wanting to possess the father and replace the mother
    Electra complex
  • Young girls experiencing anxiety upon realizing they lack penis
    Penis envy
  • fears that he will be punished for feeling that he wants to replace his own father
    castration anxiety
  • Proposed the psychosocial development theory
    Erik Erikson
  • 1st stage of psychosocial development theory
    trust vs. mistrust
  • 2nd stage of psychosocial development theory
    autonomy vs shame and doubt
  • 3rd stage of psychosocial development theory
    initiative vs guilt
  • 4th stage of psychosocial development theory
    industry vs inferiority
  • 5th stage of psychosocial development theory
    identity vs confusion
  • 6th stage of psychosocial development theory
    intimacy vs isolation
  • 7th stage of psychosocial development theory
    generativity vs stagnation
  • 8th stage of psychosocial development theory
    integrity vs despair
  • a reaction of response to any kind of demand or threat
  • a group cognitive-behavioral intervention designed to prevent depressive symptoms
  • state manifested by a syndrome which consists of all the nonspecifically induced changes in biological system
    selye's theory
  • stages of selye's theory
    alarm, resistance, exhaustion, return to normal
  • defined as a natural and instinctive state of mind or intuitive feeling
  • Bodily changes comes first and form the basis of an emotional experience
    James-Lange Theory
  • this happens if parents are too lenient
    anal expulsive personality
  • this happens if parents are too strict and the children begins with toilet training too early
    anal retentive personality
  • right side motor skills
    left hemisphere