chapter 48

Cards (163)

  • Mechanoreceptive
    stimulated by mechanical displacement.

    Tactile: touch, pressure, vibration, tickle, itch

    Proprioceptive: static position, rate of change
  • Thermoreceptive.
    detect heat and cold.

    detect pain and any factor that damages tissue.
  • Pathways for the Transmission of Sensory Information
    Almost all sensory information enters spinal cord through dorsal roots of spinal nerves.

    Anterolateral system

    Dorsal column-medial lemniscal system
  • Meissner corpuscles
    Location and Function
    Small Field Tactile Receptors

    Location: non-hairy skin close to surface (fingertips, lips, eyelids, nipples
    and external genitalia).

    Function: motion detection, grip control
  • Meissner Corpuscles
    Stimuli, Adaptation, Receptive, nerve fibers
    Stimuli: skin motion, low frequency vibration

    Adaptation: rapid adaptation

    receptive field: 22 mm2

    type Aβ nerve fibers
  • Merkel Discs
    Location and Function
    Small field

    Location: tip of epidermal ridges

    Function: form and texture perception
  • Merkel Discs
    Stimuli, Adaptation, receptive field, nerve fibers
    Stimuli: edges, points, corners, curvature

    slow adaptation

    receptive field: 9 mm2

    type Aβ nerve fibers
  • Pacinian corpuscle.
    Location and Function , stimuli
    Large field

    dermis and deeper tissues

    perception of distant events through transmitted vibrations;
  • Pacinian Corpuscle
    Stimulus, Adaptation, Receptive field , fibers
    very rapid adaptation

    entire finger or hand

    type nerve fibers
  • Ruffini corpuscle

    tangential force; hand shape; motion detection

    skin stretch
  • Ruffini Corpuscle

    Receptive Field
    slow adaptation

    receptive field: 60 mm2

    type Aβ nerve fibers
  • Free nerve endings (Myelinated).

    surface of body and elsewhere

    pain, temperature

    slow adaptation

    type Aδ nerve fibers
  • Free nerve endings (unmyelinated)

    surface of body and elsewhere

    pain, temperature, itch

    slow adaptation

    type C
  • Dermatome
    area of skin supplied by sensory neurons that arise from a spinal nerve ganglion.
  • Dorsal Column-medial lemniscal System structure and path
    large myelinated nerve fibers

    Three neurons to sensory cortex / decussates in medulla oblongata
  • Dorsal column system
    Spatial and modalities
    High degree of spatial orientation maintained throughout the tract .

    a high degree of spatial fidelity

    Transmits touch, vibration, position, fine pressure.
  • The Anterolateral System structure and path

    smaller myelinated and unmyelinated fibers
    slow transmission

    three neurons to sensory cortex / decussates in spinal cord
  • Anterolateral System Spatial and modalities

    low degree of spatial orientation.

    broad spectrum of modalities.

    pain, thermal sensations, crude touch and pressure, tickle and itch, sexual sensations.
  • clinical significance of dermatomes
    Localizing cord lesion

    Viruses such as varicella zoster hibernate in ganglia causing rash in associated dermatome

    Referred pain
  • The Somatosensory Cortex
    Located in the postcentral gyrus.

    Highly organized distinct spatial orientation.

    Contralateral transmission
  • Homunculus and somatosensory cortex
    Unequal representation of the body.

    lips have greatest area of representation followed by face and thumb.

    trunk and lower body have least area of representation.
  • Somatosensory Association Function
    Function is to decipher complex sensory associations.

    Loss of these areas
    inability to recognize complex objects
    neglect of contralateral world and even refusal to acknowledge ownership of contralateral body.
  • Somatosensory Area I
    primary somatosensory area

    Brodmann's areas: 1, 2, 3
  • Somatosensory association area
    Brodmann's areas: 5,7

    in partriel
  • Somatosensory Association Area Input
    Receives input from somatosensory cortex, ventrobasal nuclei of thalamus, visual and auditory cortex
  • Layers I and II of Cortex

    receive diffuse input from lower brain centers
  • Layer IV of the cortex
    Incoming signals enter layer IV and spread both up and down
  • Layers II and III of the cortex
    neurons send axons to closely related portion of the cortex presumably for communicating between similar areas.
  • Layers of V and VI of the cortex
    send axons to more distant parts of the nervous system, layer V to the brainstem and spinal cord, layer VI to the thalamus.
  • Cortical Layer I and II morphology

    I molecular layer
    II external granular layer
  • columns of the cortex
    Within the layers the neurons are arranged in columns.

    Each column serves a specific modality
    Different columns interspersed among each other.

    interaction of the columns occurs at different cortical levels. the beginning of the analysis of the meaning of the signals.
  • Cortical Layer III and IV morphology
    III layer of small pyramidal cells

    IV internal granular layer
  • Cortical Layer V and VI morphology
    V large pyramidal cell layer

    VI layer of fusiform or polymorphic cells
  • Lateral inhibition
    the capacity of an excited neuron to reduce activity of neighboring neurons;

    it improves degree of contrast
  • Two point discrimination
    measures the minimum distance at which two stimuli are resolved as distinct;

    reflects how finely innervated an area of skin is.

    density of mechanoreceptors varies
  • Lateral Inhibition at dorsal column system
    dorsal column nuclei, ventrobasal nuclei of thalamus, cortex
  • somatic senses
    nervous mechanisms that collect sensory information
  • special senses
    vision, hearing, smell, taste, and equilibrium.
  • mechanoreceptive, thermoreceptic, nociceptive
    somatic senses can be divided into
  • factors which damages tissue activates this sensation