Stakeholder engagement involves efforts by a corporation to understand and involve relevant individuals, groups, or organizations by considering their moral concerns
Issue analysis is an effort to understand the source, nature, and extent of a question or matter in dispute facing a corporation, which will result in addressing or resolving the matter
What opportunities and challenges are presented to our firm?
What responsibilities does our firm have to all its stakeholders?
What strategies or actions should our firm use to deal with stakeholder challenges and opportunities?
Freeman’s Stakeholder Management Capability refers to the ability of managers to:
Identify stakeholders and their influence
Develop organizational practices to understand stakeholders
Undertake direct contact with stakeholders
Stakeholder Matrix Mapping is a technique of categorizing an organization’s stakeholders by their influence according to two variables and plotting them on a two-by-two matrix:
Y Axis: Oppose or support corporation
X Axis: Importance of stakeholders
This allows managers to assess the power of stakeholders to achieve their demands and whether they have the means or resources to influence
The Position / Importance Stakeholder Matrix categorizes stakeholders into four categories:
Problematic stakeholders
Antagonistic stakeholders
Low priority stakeholders
Supporter stakeholders
Managers can develop tactics and strategies to deal with each stakeholder appropriately after categorization
The Diagnostic Typology of Organizational Stakeholders involves two critical assessments:
Stakeholders’ potential to threaten the organization
Their potential to cooperate with it
Stakeholders can be classified into four types: Supportive, Marginal, Non-supportive, and Mixed-blessing stakeholders
Stakeholder Identification and Salience is based on stakeholder possession of attributes like power, legitimacy, and urgency, enabling managers to categorize stakeholder-management relationships systematically
Stakeholder Influence Strategies involve stakeholders trying to influence the organization's decision-making or behavior through resource dependence and control over resources
Resource dependence exists when a stakeholder supplies a resource and can exert some form of control over it
Two general means of control over an organization:
Withholding strategies: stakeholder discontinues providing a resource with the intention of changing a certain behavior
Usage strategies: stakeholder continues to supply the resource but specifies how it is to be used, attaching conditions
Resource dependence can also arise from relationships between stakeholders, where an influence pathway allows an ally of the stakeholder with whom the organization has a resource dependence to use withholding and usage strategies
Four influence strategy possibilities:
Stakeholder collaboration aims to establish and maintain relationships that allow the organization to tap into a powerful source of energy, ideas, and a wider network
Stakeholder collaboration is more integrated and company-wide, with responsibility often assigned to senior executives
Approaches to corporate-stakeholder relations:
Stakeholder Management:
Fragmented among various departments
Focus on managing relationships
Emphasis on buffering the organization
Linked to short-term business goals
Stakeholder Collaboration:
Integrated management approach
Focus on building relationships
Emphasis on creating opportunities and mutual benefits
Linked to long-term business goals
FOSTERing is a framework for organizations to develop collaborative stakeholder relationships involving six steps:
Creating a foundation
Organizational alignment
Strategy development
Trust building
Repeat the process
Issue Management Process involves six steps:
Identification of issues
Analysis of issues
Ranking or prioritizing of issues
Formulating issue response
Implementing issue response
Monitoring and evaluating issue response
Issue materiality (sustainability materiality) refers to a question or matter that is sufficiently important to warrant management's attention, reflecting the organization's significant economic, environmental, and social impacts
Issue Materiality Matrix:
Issues are plotted and ranked in decreasing order of importance
Priority issues for management would be in the upper right-hand corner
Influence on operations and ease or difficulty of addressing the issues are deciding factors for rating
Issues in the lower left corner are of little importance to stakeholders or management
The appropriate identification of stakeholders is crucial for business corporations to understand the environment in which they operate
Freeman's stakeholder management capability provides a good starting point for understanding stakeholder relationships
Frooman's influence strategies provide a perspective on understanding stakeholders, emphasizing that stakeholders can influence one another and the corporation in direct and indirect ways, by withholding or specifying usage conditions
The most sophisticated approach to understanding stakeholders is through collaboration, changing the approach from managing stakeholders to dialoguing with them
Issue materiality analysis has a logical connection to stakeholder analysis, enhancing management's understanding of the environment in which the corporation operates