Cards (13)

  • A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  • Basic principles of graphics and layout:
    • Graphics are images shown on a computer screen, compared to text made up of characters like numbers and letters
    • Layout is the organization of preset items on a page, determining the overall appearance and interactions of graphic elements for optimal effectiveness
  • Balance in graphics and layout refers to the even distribution of visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space on the screen
  • Emphasis in graphics and layout is an area that appears different to attract the viewer's attention
  • Movement in graphics and layout guides the viewer's eyes around the screen
  • Pattern in graphics and layout involves repeating visual elements to create unity
  • Proportion in graphics and layout creates a sense of unity among visual elements
  • Principles of visual design using infographics:
    • Shapes refer to objects that stand out, which can be geometrical or organic
    • Line refers to an outline that sometimes creates a shape, with textures like thick or thin, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal
    • Value refers to the lightness or darkness in a design, including changes between black and white and all tones in between
    • Form refers to the volume or thickness of an object, creating the illusion of a 3D object through light and shading manipulation
  • Online formats for text and images:
    • GIF: Graphics Interchange Format, a bitmap image format
    • JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group, a standard image format for compressed image data
    • PNG: Portable Network Graphic, commonly used in web design for transparent backgrounds
  • Basic techniques of image manipulation:
    • Cropping: enhance focus and composition
    • Blurring: enhance background images
    • Saturation: enhance or reduce color intensity
    • Contrast: enhance highlights and shadows
  • Basic techniques of image manipulation:
    • Brightness: enhance overall lighting
    • Filters: enhance and correct photos
    • Arrangement: enhance layout with grids
    • Frames: enhance image shape and style
  • Basic techniques of image manipulation:
    • Layering: enhance images with overlays
    • Enhance images with typography on top
  • Visit Canva website at https://www.canva.com/ for image enhancement techniques