The hierarchy of the Church is in this order; Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and the Laity.
A source of authority fro the hierarchy of the church is: " You are Peter and upon this rock i will build my church" - Matthew 16:18
The Papacy is the Pope, the supreme leader of the Catholic Church, the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Pope means father in Latin and bridge-builder
The Pope is the leader of the magisterium.
The magisterium is split into 2, the ordinary magisterium and the extraordinary magisterium.
The Pope has papal infallibility and speaks ex cathedra which means what ever he says is true and he speaks with authority
Pope John XXIII wrote the encyclical, 'Pacem in Terris' and he was pope from 1958-1963
Pope John XXIII began a new era in the church and was one of the most popular popes of all time
Pope John XXIII was made saint in 2014
Pope John Paul II (JP2), was the 2nd longest-serving Pope after Pope Pius IX. He was Pope from 1978-2005.
JP2 was the first non-Italian pope and helped end communist in Poland and Europe.
JP2 was one of the most travelled world leaders in history travelling to 129 countries.
JP2 took part in the 2nd Vatican council in 1962, where he made contributions to; the decree on religious freedom and gauduim et spes.
JP2 introduced his own views on the nature of the human person in relation to God by saying; "man is the only creature on earth that God has wanted for it's own sake, but man can fully discover his true self only in a sincere giving of himself."
JP2 gave 129 lectures about a series of topics on the Theology of the body , which is an analysis on human sexuality.
Pope Francis maintains that the church should be more open and welcoming and the traditional views of the church.
Pope Francis published his first major letter in 2013 called evangelii gaudium, which he urged the entire church 'to embark on a new chapterof evangelism'.
Pope Francis published his first own encyclical in 2015 called Laudato Si' which is about concerning care for the planet.
The word Cardinal means 'door-hinge'
A Cardinal is someone who is nominated by the Pope to form part of the magisterium.
Cardinals form part of a sacred 'collage of Cardinals' and help the Pope with his many roles in the papacy.
Cardinals always wear a Zuchetto on their heads and sometimes wear a biretta on their heads as well
Cardinals also wear a red robe to symbolize they give their life to the church.
The magisterium is the 'teaching authority of the church'
The word Bishop means 'over-seer'
A Bishop is a senior member of the chruch, usually in charge of a diocese with many parishes.
Bishops oversee a whole diocese and some diocese are so large they have multiple Bishops with one leading Archbishop
In order to be a Bishop you will need to be ordained and hold the fullness of the sacrament of the holy orders.
One role of a Bishop is to teach. They oversee the preaching of the gospel and the word of God, ensuring it is being taught correctly.
Another role of a Bishop is to govern. They oversee the finances and care for all properties of the church. They also appoint Priests for all Parishes in the diocese.
One more role of a Bishop is to sanctify. They oversee and provide administration of the sacraments.
Bishops are seen as the successors of the apostles that are snet out by Jesus to continue his work.
A Bishops church is called a Cathedral which is the main church for the diocese.
Every 5 years a Bishop must send a report to the Vatican city about his diocese he oversee's.
Bishops have a duty to be present at their Cathedral during sessions of; lent and advent, the feasts of Easter, Christmas, Pentecost and Corpus Christi.
Bishops wear a purple Zuchetto on their heads.
Bishops wear a mitre on their heads.
During important events, a Bishop will have a crosier.