Cards (4)

  • Institutionalisation is living away from a family environment, such as in a children’s home or hospital.
  • Romanian orphans- The fall of the communist government in 1989 revealed the terrible conditions of up to 300,000 orphans. Contraception had been banned so many families had given up excess children to orphanages. The orphans lacked physical and emotional care from the staff and many were malnourished and abused.
  • Romanian orphans- The fall of the communist government in 1989 revealed the terrible conditions of up to 300,000 orphans. Contraception had been banned so many families had given up excess children to orphanages. The orphans lacked physical and emotional care from the staff and many were malnourished and abused.
  • Effects of institutionalisation
    • Physical underdeveloped
    • Intellectual underfunctioning
    • Disinhited attachment
    • Poor parenting