Circular flow

Cards (4)

  • Households
    -Households own the factors of production namely capital, enterpreurship, land labour
    -They sell their factors of production on the factors market
    -They use the income remuneration to buy goods and services from businesses to satisfy their needs and wants
  • Businesses
    -Businesses purchase the factors of production from households on the factor market
    -They use these factors of production to produce goods and services which are sold in the product market
    -Firms decide what goods and services to produce
  • Government
    -The government is both a producer and a consumer
    -it is a producer because it provides public goods and services e.g hospitals and schools
    -Government pays for all its expenditures from taxes paid by households and business
  • Foreign sector
    -flow of impot and exports between countries leads to the Foreign exchange
    -Exports income is earned when business sell goods and services to Foreign markets
    -Foreign sector plays a significant role in the circular flow as it creates a platform for international trade