Unit 1

Cards (23)

  • Kaiser abdicates- 9th November 1918
  • Armistice signed- 11th November 1918
  • Spartacus uprising- January 1919
  • Treaty of Versailles signed- June 1919
  • Weimar constitution signed- August 1919
  • Kapp Putsch- 1920
  • French invasion of Ruhr- January 1923
  • hyperinflation- November 1923
  • Munich Putsch- November 1923
  • Dawes plan- 1924
  • Locarno pact- 1925
  • Germany joins League of Nations- 1926
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact- 1928
  • young plan-1929
  • Peter kurten murders 11 people- 1929
  • The film ‘blue angel’ is released- 1930
  • Treaty of Versailles is terms BRAT
    B- Blame: Germany had to take blame for the war. Germans hated this the most
    R- Reparations: compensation to allies. £6.6 billion
    A-Army: limited to 100,0 men, no air force, no tanks, no submarines
    T-territory: Germany lost land
  • Hyperinflation
    when prices rise quickly and the value of money decreases quickly
  • why was the treaty of Versailles so harsh?
    .millions of deaths (10 million), destroyed thousands of buildings and communities, people angry with Germany as no other war had caused this damage
  • why did Germans think the treaty of Versailles was too harsh
    reparations too high, war guilt was very embarrassing, losing land was humiliating and harmed the economy
  • what threats did Weimar Republic face 1919-23
    1919 Spartacist uprising : communists led by Rosa luxemburg try to take control of Berlin by right wing group
    1920 kapp putsch: General Kapp tried to take over Berlin. stopped by general strike
    1923 French invasion of Ruhr: Germany stopped paying reparations. in response France invade Ruhr to take coal and steel
    1923 Hyperinflation- increase money printing led to less value of money
    1923 Munich putsch- Nazis try to take over Munich
  • causes of Weimar economic recovery
    1923 Retenmark: New currency put an end to hyperinflation
    1924 Dawes plan- loans to Germany from USA
    1929 Young plan- reduced monthly reparations payments
  • who experienced a golden age 1925-29
    women- gained right to vote and because doctors and teachers and gained social freedom
    artists- painted modern art that criticises old fashioned ideas
    Factory owners- rich had no debts because eod hyperinflation
    jobs- factory workers wages increase
    Housing improved- Weimar government built 2 million new homes, homelessness decreased by 60z