Some characteristics are controlled by a single gene
. Each gene might have different forms, and these are called alleles.
Allelesare different versions of the same gene.
For any gene, a person may have the same two alleles, known as homozygous or two different ones, known as heterozygous.
The genotype is the collection of alleles that determine characteristics and can be expressed as a phenotype.
Alleles may be either dominant or recessive
A dominant allele is always expressed, even if one copy is present
Dominant alleles are represented by a capital letter, you only need one copy of this allele to have brown eyes. Two copies will still give you brown eyes.
A recessive allele is only expressed if the individual has two copies and does not have the dominant allele of that gene.
Recessive alleles are represented by a lower case letter, you need two copies of this allele to have blue eyes.
Homozygousalleles are both identical for the same characteristic, for example AA or aa.
Heterozygous alleles are both different for the same characteristic, for example Aa.
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder of cell membranes that mainly affects the lungs and digestive system.
cystic fibrosis is caused by two faulty recessive allele
An individual who is homozygous (ff) with the recessive allele will develop cystic fibrosis. Someone who is heterozygous (Ff) will be a carrier of the recessive allele, but will not develop cystic fibrosis and have no symptoms.
Polydactyly is an inherited condition in which a person has extra fingers or toes. It is caused by a dominantallele of a gene.
Dominant allele
An allele that will show in the phenotype even if there is only one copy present