A constitution is a set of rules or laws that governs a nation. It is a body principal/ laws/ rules that enable people with in a state to live together in harmony and order.
Functions of a constitution:
The constitution provides the legal ground from which the laws of the country are made.
It spells out the powers of government and its relationship with the governed
It spells out the right and duties of all citizens
Written constitution
Unwritten constitution
Written constitution: This is a type of constitution where fundamentalprinciples and rulesof the state are written downinasingle document.
Amend: This means to change a certain law in the constitution
Advantages of a Written Constitution:
It is readily available for reference
It is rigid
It is clearanddefinite
It clearly outlines the powers, terms, relations and duties of the different arms of government
Disadvantages of a Written Constitution:
It uses very difficult language
It is very rigid
The procedureforamendment is very slow
It tends to be outdated
Amendment process is costly
Unwritten constitution: This type of constitution where fundamental principles and rules of state are contained in a single document but are drawn from various sources.
Examples of Unwritten Constitution:
Constitutional Milestones- Magna Carta (1215)
Case law-specificrulings made by the BritishCourts
Parliamentary Customs-traditions, customs and rules of the BP
Commentaries-writings, opinions and assertions of respectedscholars
Constitutional conventions-politicaltraditions and agreements which have beenfollowed or applied over aperiodoftime