potable water and waste water treatment

Cards (20)

  • is potable water safe to drink?
  • Is potable water often pure?
  • What does potable waters pH have to be inbetween?
    6.5 and 8.5
  • Potable water can contain dissolved substances
  • What is surface water?
    Water from lakes, rivers and reservoirs
  • What happens in filtration?
    a wire mesh screens out large twigs etc, and then gravel and sand beds filter out solids
  • What happens in sterilisation?
    Water is sterilised to kill any microbes or bacteria.
  • What chemicals are used in sterlisation?
    ozone, chlorine and UV light
  • Distillation can be used to desalinate sea water
  • Agricultural systems produce waste water from nutrient run-off from fields and slurry from animal farms
  • Name the stages of sewage treatment in order.
    1. Screening
    2. sedimentation
    3. aerobic or anaerobic digestion
    4. released back into environment OR used as fertiliser or natural gas
  • What happens in screening?
    large bits of material are filtered/removed
  • What is sedimentation?
    Waste water stands in a tank and heavier solids (sludge) sink whilst lighter effluent floats to top
  • What undergoes biological aerobic respiration?
  • What is biological aerobic respiration?
    air is pumped through water to encourage aerobic bacteria to break down organic matter
  • Sludge is broken down by what?
    anaerobic respiration carried out by bacteria
  • Anaerobic respiration that breaks down sludge produces what?
    methane gas
  • Waste water containing toxic substances undergoes further treatment using chemicals, UV radiation or using membranes.
  • The Haber process is used to make ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen.
  • Ammonia is used to make fertilisers