Cards (6)

  • By October 1905 the Russian Empire seemed to be near total collapse. There were strikes and demonstrations in all the major cities peasant uprisings throughout the countryside and demands for independence from the Poles Finns Latvians and other minority groups
  • A St Petersburg Soviet inspired by the Union of Unions and dominated by radical revolutionaries was set up to direct a general strike which began in Moscow at the beginning of October 1905.
  • Sergei Witte the chairman of the Tsar's Council warned that the country was on the verge of a revolution that would 'sweep away a thousand years of history' while Trepov declared the need for moderate reform
  • On 17th October the Tsar finally agreed to sign a decree promising constitutional reform. The Tsar's 'October Manifesto' promised:To grant civic freedom (personal rights and freedoms)To establish a state Duma allowing a voice to all classes and To give the state Duma the power to approve laws
  • The manifesto was greeted with celebrations on the streets of St Petersburg. Crowds sang the French revolutionary anthem 'La Marseillaise' and waved red flags. The General strike was called off although the radicals urged workers to fight on
  • Radicals still criticised that autocracy remained. Nicholas  had no intention of being a constitutional monarch and a few of his ministers had a real commitment to the manifesto  promises