Unit3/AOS2- Human resource management

Cards (100)

  • Appraisal- The formal assesment of how efficiently an effectively an emloyee is performing their role in the bussiness
  • Arbitration-A means of dispute resolution involving an independant third party (such as a commissioner of the Fair Work Commission) hearing both arguments in a dispute nd determining outcome
  • Award- A legally binding document determined by the Fair Work Commission that sets out minimum wages and conditions for the whole industries or occupations
  • Career Advancement- The assignment of more responsibilities/authority to emplyees or the promotion of employees to positions that bring rewards, such as increased salary, fringe benefits and increased responsibities
  • Collective bargaining- Determining the terms and conditions of employment through direct negotiations betweens unions and employers
  • Common law individuals employment contract- covers those employees who are not under any Award or collective/enterprise agreements
  • Conciliation- A process that occurs when a third party participates in the resolution of a dispute and attempts to resolve the differences through discussion
  • Development- The process of preparing employees to take on more responsibilities in the future,acquiring better knowledge and skills,and gaining more experience
  • Dismissal- Occurs when the behaviour of an employee is unacceptable and a bussiness terminates their employment
  • Dispute- A result of disagreements or disasatisfaction between individuals and/or groups
  • Employee observation- A strategy where a variety of opinions on the performance of employees is sought to arrive at a more comprehensive picture of past and current performance
  • Employer associations- Organisations that represent and assist employer groups
  • Employer agreement- An agreement on pay conditions of work made at the work place level and negotiated between groups of employees (or represented by their union) and employers
  • Entitlement considerations- The rights to benefits that employees have when leaving the workplace, either on a voluntry or involuntary basis
  • Fair Work Commisions- Australia's national workplace tribunal that has a number of responsibilities under the Fair Work Act 2009
  • Hierachy of Needs- Maslow's sequence of human needs in the order of their importance
  • Human resource manager : coordinates all the activities involved in acquiring, developing, maintaining and terminating employees from a business's human resources
  • Human resource management- The effective management of the formal relationship between the employer and employees
  • Investment in training- The direction of finances, or resources such as time, into the teaching of skills to employees
  • Lockout-Occurs when employers close the workplace for a period of time as a means of applying pressure to employees during a period of industrial conflict
  • Log of claims- A list of demands made by workers (often through their union) against their employers. These demands cover specific wages and conditions.Employers may also serve a counter-log of claims on the union
  • Management by objectives- A process by which employees agree on a set of goals for each employee, with these goals all contributing to the objectives of the bussiness as a whole
  • Mediation- the confidential discussion of issues in a non-threatening enviroment, in the presence of a neutral,objective third party , who helps the parties in dispute to work towards an agreement,but does not offer suggestions or solutions
  • Motivation- The individual, internal process that directs,energises and sustains a person's behaviour
  • Need- A personal requirment
  • Negotiation- A method of resolving disputes whereby discussions between the parties result in a comprimise and a formal or informal agreement about a dispute
  • Off-the job training- Occurs when the employees learn skills in a location away from the workplace. It usually involves sending individuals or groups of employees to a particular specialised training institution ( such as a university or TAFE college)
  • On-the-job training- Occurs when employees learn specific set of skills to perform particular tasks within the workplace. This training usually occurs in the working enviroment,and uses the equipment, machinery and documents that are present in that workplace
  • Penalty rates- Additional wages paid to employees who work outside of normal working hours
  • Performance mamagement- A focus on improving both bussiness and individual performance through relating bussiness performance objectives to individual employee performance objectives
  • Performance-related pay- The moentary compensation provided to employees relative to how their performance is assessed according to set standards
  • Productivity- A measure of performance that indicates how many inputs (resources) it takes to produce an output (goods and services)
  • Protected industrial action- Action taken by either party to a dispute that has been approved by the Fair Work Commission
  • Redundancy- Occurs when a person's job no longer exists, usually due to technological changes, a bussiness restructure, or a merger or acquisition
  • Remuneration- Payments made to the employee for work or a service performed
  • Resignation- The voluntary ending of employement by the employee 'quitting' their job
  • Retirement- Occurs when an employee decides to give up full-time or part-time wokr and no longer be part of the labour force
  • Sanction- A form of penalty or decipline imposed on an employee for poor performance
  • Self-Evaluation - A process whereby employees carry out self-asessement,based on a set of agreed criteria
  • Strike- Occurs when employees withdraws their labour for a period of time in pursuit of improvements in their employment conditions