Arabia - The city where Mohammed got almost all of its inhabitants to submittoIslamastheirreligion
Mecca - The city where Mohammedwasborn
Bedouins - Arab Nomads or Arabs who have no home
Black Stone - a meteorite that the Arabs believed tobe sacred
Allah - the god of the Islamicpeople, whom Mohammed claimed to be the same God as theJewsandChristians
Hegira - Mohammed and hisfollowers called their flighttoMeccathis
Jihad - another word for "holy war"
Islam - a charmed religious mode
Muslims - followers of the religion Mohammed created called Islam
Koran - the holy book of Islam
Caliphs were Mohammed's successors
Crusades were Europe'sversion of the "holy war"
Battle of Tours in 732 was Europe's defeat that checked Muslim advanceintowestern Europe
Battle of Manzikert saw Seljuk Turks conquer Asia, leading to Christendom losing control of a major land area
Peasants' Crusade: a group of 15,000-20,000people, mostly farmers, were defeated by disciplined Turks
1stCrusade conquered a strip of land along the eastern coast
2nd Crusade accomplished nothing
3rdCrusade, led by King Richard the Lion-hearted, also known as the Crusade of Kings, accomplished little to nothing
4thCrusade never reached the Holy Land, as they were attacked and robbed before reaching Constantinople
Children's Crusade: several children attempted to part the Mediterranean Sea, believing God would help them pass, but they were unsuccessful
Important dates related to Muslims:
732: Europe got defeated
1054: Catholic Church officially split
1071: Victory at the Battle of Manzikert
Islamic people have to attempt to earn their way to paradise rather than accept a savior like Jesus, who is rejected as the Son of God by Islamic people and Mohammed
If Muslims had won the holy wars, Christianity would have been wiped off the earth, while distorted Christianity would have been exposed to all of mankind
Castles were heavily fortified dwelling places nobles built
Moat is a protective trench of water that surrounds many castles
Turret is another name for the castles towers that are along the castle walls
Jousting is when two knights fought to unseat or unhorse each other
Tournament is when two teams of knights fought a mock battle that lasted an entire day and ranged over the countryside
Manor refers to estates belonging to the nobles
Serfs were the farmers of the manor
Lord is a man who owns land
Vassal is a man who would work at the lord's land
Homage is a ceremony between the lord and a vassal
Act of investiture is when the lord gave the vassal some object as a symbol of the vassal's right to use the fief
Knight is a man who fought for the king, wearing heavy armor and fighting on horseback with a variety of weapons
Crown land refers to the king's own land kept for personal use
Chivalry is the code of conduct for the nobility and the knights
Page is a household servant in the service of a lord
Squire is a person serving his lord or another knight in the lord's service
Coat of arms is a group of emblems and figures usually displayed on a knight's armor for identification purposes