Loss of Control

Cards (9)

  • What act is Loss of Control under?
    S.54 Coroners and Justice Act 2009.
  • First rule of LOC?
    D must have lost self-control
    • Jewell - LOC is loss of considered judgement/normal powers of reasoning
    • Clinton -the greater deliberation, the less likely true loss of control
  • Rule 2 of LOC?
    There must be a qualifying trigger (fear and anger).
  • Fear trigger?
    Fear of serious violence (towards V or another).
  • Anger trigger?
    Things said/done of an extremely grave character and D had justifiable sense of being seriously wronged - or a combination of the two.
    *Defence will fail if D incite these triggers/acted out of revenge.
  • Dawes?
    Cumulative impact of events can be considered, individuals do not respond identically, nor all immediately.
  • Rule 3 of LOC?
    A person of same age & sex as D, with normal degree of tolerance and self-restraint in D’s circumstances, would react in a similar way.
  • Rule 3 test?

    Objective test - irrelevant if D bad tempered etc. only circumstances can be considered.
  • Clinton?

    Sexual infidelity not accepted on its own, but surrounding circumstances can be considered (e.g. taunting).