Dendrites receive information from other neurons or sensory receptors
Axons carry electrical signals away from the cell body towards another neurone, muscle or gland
Bipolar neurons have two extensions, one is an axon and the other is a dendrite
Pseudounipolar neurons have one extension which divides into two at the end
Multipolar neurons have many extensions from the cell body
Bipolar neurons have two extensions from the cell body; one is an axon and the other is a dendrite
Multipolar neurons have many extensions (dendrites) extending outwards from the cell body
The myelin sheath insulates the axon so that impulses can travel faster along its length.
Sensory neurones are unipolar and bipolar
Nodes of Ranvier are gaps between sections of myelin sheath on the surface of the axon where there is no myelin sheath.
pseudounipolar neurons have one extension that extends from the cell body and branches off to form both dendrites and an axon
Sensory receptors are specialised cells or organs that detect changes in the environment and convert them into electrical signals
Unipolar neurons have one extension from the cell body
Motor neurons carry impulses to muscles and glands
Sensory receptors detect stimuli such as light or sound waves
Motor neurons carry impulses to effectors such as muscles and glands
Axons transmit electrical signals away from the cell body to another nerve or muscle fibre, while dendrites receive electrical signals from other neurones.
Sensory receptors detect changes in the internal or external environment.
Neurons communicate with each other by transmitting electrical signals called action potentials down their long extensions called axons.
Axons carry nerve impulses away from the cell body to synapses with target cells.
Dendrites extend from the cell body and receive information from other cells.
Dendrites receive signals from other neurons at synapses.
The spinal cord contains sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) nerve fibers.
Axons carry electrical signals away from the cell body to other cells or organs
Unipolar neurons have only one process which branches at the end into both an axon and a dendrite
Axons transmit electrical impulses away from the cell body
Interneurons connect sensory neurons with motor neurons, allowing information to be processed within the CNS
A nerve impulse is an electrochemical change, it involves:
a change in electrical voltage
change is brought about by changes in chemicals
Electrical charge:
like charges will repel each other
the closer the charges get to each other, the stronger the force gets
positive + negative = release of energy
if separated by a barrier - they have potential (measured in volts) to release energy
Potential difference across a cell membrane:
ions - electrically charged particles
extracellular fluid - high concentration of sodiumchloride (positive sodium ions and negative chloride ions)
intracellular fluid - low concentration of sodium and chloride ions (positive potassium ions and various negative ions)
membrane potential - differences between inside and outside the cell membrane
Resting membrane potential:
an unstimulated neuron
-70mV maintained by sodium-potassium pump
K+ moves out of the cell along the concentration gradient
the sodium-potassium pump moves three sodium ions out of the cell for every two potassion ions entering (active transport)
Depolarisation: (sudden increase in the membrane potential)
occurs when stimulations about 15mV or the threshold
sodium channels are opened → intracellular fluid less negative → increase in potential difference
if -55mV → independent movement of sodium ions into cell (all-or-none response)
sodium channels close → no influx of sodium ions
potassium channels open → K+ moves out of cell → repolarisation
potassium channels open too long → hyperpolarisation
Refractory period:
sodium channels become quickly inactived (unresponsive)
lasts from -55mV to -70mV
Nerve impulse transmission along unmyelinated fibres:
in refractory period → moves only in one direction